Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb past] in [det] " in BNC.

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1 As Professor Deane has put it , there took place , mainly in the first half of the century , " a series of developments in the money market , an expansion in the number , range and efficiency of English financial institutions which amounted in all to a financial revolution " .
2 To the extent that he went further so as to suggest that in no circumstances could the speeches be looked at other than for the purposes of seeing what was said on a particular date , his remarks have to be understood in the context of the issues which arose in that case .
3 The question which arose in those cases was whether the cessation of trade , in the sense of ‘ putting the shutters up , ’ immediately deprived the court of bankruptcy jurisdiction over the married woman , or whether it continued while the trade debts remained unpaid .
4 The rich merchants contributed to the magnificent civic building which arose in those years ; the town and guild halls , exchanges , municipal belfries , warehouses and city houses .
5 The complications , which occurred in all patients apart from two who achieved the protocol , could be overcome , and no early deaths were recorded in a high risk group of patients , but pain and bile leakage were major problems .
6 It is possible that a ‘ fire storm ’ condition developed in the town , similar to that which occurred in several German cities during the last war , when saturation bombing raids started so many fires that the city became effectively one big fire , sucking into itself hurricane force winds to bring fresh oxygen to the heart of the inferno .
7 However , the rise in pensions relative to incomes which occurred in most countries also increased the cost of not working — for the farsighted , at least — since pensions were generally linked to contributions from pay .
8 Thus the generation 1690–1720 saw a considerable transference of real power from the King to Parliament , partly as a result of specific acts of legislation and partly because of the enormous changes in the country 's fiscal system and relationship to Europe which occurred in these years .
9 Further minor straws in the wind were Archbishop Makarios ’ request for British help in Cyprus in December 1963 , which drew in most of the Strategic Reserve 's 3rd Division before a hand-over to the United Nations could be negotiated ; and the quelling of the military mutinies in newly independent Tanzania , Kenya and Uganda in January 1964 , at their governments ’ request , by Commandos brought on the aircraft-carrier Centaur from Aden and by units of the Strategic Reserve in Kenya .
10 All the evidence seems to indicate that he had become a half-hearted Anglican — perhaps that was a safer way , after all , of establishing yourself as a respectable tradesman than anything which smacked in any way of revolt or radicalism ?
11 This was to accompany the first showing in Europe of the musical Narnia , which played in All Hallows by the Tower .
12 It was the legacy of the previous form of uneven development based in the sectoral spatial division of labour ( high levels of unemployment from previously dominant sectors which had overwhelmingly employed men ) which provided the conditions ( regional policy grants , a ‘ green ’ , female labour force anxious for paid employment ) which attracted in this new form of economic activity and laid down a new form of uneven development .
13 Yarnell launched 150 of his aircraft which arrived in less than an hour over Oahu , he now had the capability of destroying the ships that lay in Pearl Harbor .
14 Through the ports of Rye , Winchelsea and Shoreham the men of the Weald exported an increasing amount of timber , both as ‘ billets ’ of fuel and , in large oaks , for building ; one major ancillary of this was the ship-building industry which flourished in most of the county 's ports until the later fourteenth century .
15 which faced in all directions
16 It was basically a neighbourly association of kin and workmates , not dissimilar to that which existed in many urban working-class neighbourhoods , but which the outsider could find virtually impenetrable .
17 The Jacobite unrest in Bristol , Norwich and London was symptomatic of the bitter political tensions which existed in these communities between Tories and High Church Anglicans on the one hand and Whigs and Nonconformists on the other .
18 The first person to teach it officially was probably Quatrefages in 1855 , in the professorship which existed in this subject at the Musée National in Paris .
19 The climate which developed in this period in Britain was one in which the prejudices of the judiciary were reinforced by a media campaign supportive of the Tory Party 's ideas on moral decay and over-dependence upon the state .
20 The 1970's can not be concluded without a reference to some of the societies who have enjoyed a special relationship with Henley and which started in this decade .
21 Variant weapons included the guisarme or fauchard , which persisted in many forms as late as the seventeenth century , and inflicted such horrible wounds that attempts were made to have it banned during the medieval period .
22 Before the war the Jewish and Gentile communities lived in ignorance of each other and since the war state censorship has failed to allow a full discussion of past antisemitism ( which persisted in some ugly incidents after the war ) .
23 Throughout the 1870s and 1880s the ‘ abolitionists ’ , as they were called , were a major social force , and the stimulus for the emergence of vigorous social-purity organisations , such as the National Vigilance Association , which survived in many cases into the 1950s and 1960s .
24 This rethinking went on in episcopal households and monasteries as well as in some urban schools which survived in some areas well into the sixth century .
25 Within the AHA ranks was an influential caucus of members which functioned in some ways like the group of the political party in power within a local authority .
26 A suggested reason for this decision is that to grant an action would have subverted the common law negligence action which lay in these circumstances .
27 Away from the river in every direction the ground was practically level , a plain covered by broad-bladed grass which grew in some places to waist height .
28 But the first real headhunting boom began in the late 1970s and early 1980s , when the recession really began to bite ; executive search may be seen as one of the few industries which grew in this period .
29 Looking through Acts at Paul 's call to evangelise , which culminated in many churches being planted , we can see five stages through which he went .
30 Never again was it to be so easy for blunt common sense , which knew in any case that the triumphant world of liberal capitalist progress was the best of all possible worlds , to mobilise the universe on behalf of its prejudices .
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