Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb past] [art] [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 On Oct. 24 , 1989 , details were released of a Supreme Court ruling which qualified an earlier ruling on Oct. 3 that the government 's emergency policy of extradition by decree ( introduced in August — see p. 36844 ) was constitutional , stating that administrative measures could only be used in cases where countries requesting extradition had no extradition agreement with Colombia .
2 Likewise the first major reductions in civil service employment had occurred in Greater London itself , which experienced a greater absolute and proportionate loss in 1978–81 ( 19,200 or 12.4 per cent ) than all regions .
3 Inflation had slowed down in the United Kingdom to 5 per cent per year which produced a greater sense of economic security in terms of planning expenditures ahead .
4 Forney was then sold to Air Products Inc. , a Carlsbad , New Mexico corporation which produced a further ten examples , plus a one-off retractable version capable of 140 mph , before going bankrupt themselves !
5 Most of the work on the land was done by the villa slaves under the eagle eye of the owner , and it was the way he organised his labourers which produced the better results .
6 Had he never existed , it is probable that the Almoravid Moors , under their fanatical leader Yusuf , would have overrun a far greater area of central Spain — and perhaps prevented the gradual blurring of the two cultures which produced the later kingdoms of Moorish Spain and thereafter the great empire of the sixteenth century .
7 This was probably the result of a separate population of small bodies from that which produced the earlier far heavier bombardments .
8 Everyone was closing their the theatres , but the independents and smaller circuits closed proportionally more , thus shifting the proportion of the box office take in favour of the conglomerates which owned the larger and more salubrious houses .
9 In fact , railway bills were being passed every session which made a grosser interference , but that was not the point .
10 Sub-section ( 4 ) provided that the power to re-hear should be exercisable only within 28 days of the order/sentence/finding of guilt as the case may be and only by a court constituted in the same manner as that which made the earlier decision .
11 And they , sort of a young sort of landlord , you know , and he sort of was into his real ales and he got guest beers in and all this sort of thing which got a better .
12 John Caird 's opulently staged direction of Pinero 's multi-layered drama makes much of the bones and sinews of this play about players , stressing the crisis which overtook the older , hammier generation of actors in the 1880s , one signalled by the presence of Tom Wrench ( Adam Kotz ) as scrutineer , bit-part actor and embryo playwright of the naturalistic new wave .
13 It seems clear that epidemics of the bubonic type became increasingly limited to the towns , which provided a better habitat for the plague-carrying black rat .
14 His keen perspicacity was shown in his book ‘ The Unknown Country ’ , a Canadian panorama which deserved a wider circulation .
15 Not until the spring and summer of 1989 when , for the first time , the Thatcher government showed clear signs of frailty , with electoral defeats , economic difficulties , and internal acrimony which recalled the later years of Macmillan 's government in the early 1960s , did the critics begin to regain their confidence .
16 He must be in his early forties , Belinda decided , while Faye , she knew was thirty-eight — fairly old to be having a first child , which added a greater sense of urgency and importance to the task of keeping her pregnancy on track .
17 The aim to move away from the language of entitlement to the language of obligation is very different from the language of freedom and liberty which dominated the earlier phases of Thatcherism .
18 By fostering an image of himself as the inheritor of Charlemagne 's empire , he did much to create that image of Charlemagne which dominated the later middle ages .
19 Voltaire praised our attitude to commerce , and the lack of snobbery which allowed the younger sons of the gentry to become businessmen .
20 Johnny Cooper dropped with Jock Lewes 's stick , which fared no better .
21 A charter which encouraged the poorer countries to move towards the best practice in the richer nations would clearly affect competitiveness in the less well-off states .
22 The place seems to enshrine for the Swiss their national ideals from the earliest days of the Confederation onward , and there is an element of pilgrimage attendant on the crowds of citizens from all parts of the country , wearing many varieties of national costume , who come here , ferried across from Brunnen by relays of lake steamers , to join in the observations of the day , commemorating the solemn oath of 1307 which confirmed the earlier League Covenant of 1291 to defend inherited liberties .
23 The local authority appealed against that part of the order by which the justices purported to direct that the guardian ad litem be allowed to have continued involvement with L. on the grounds , inter alia , that ( 1 ) the justices had no jurisdiction to attach a condition to the care order which had been agreed by the parties and approved by the justices ; ( 2 ) in the alternative , the justices had no jurisdiction to make the direction , because ( i ) it had the effect of fettering the discretion of the local authority in the exercise of its functions under section 33 of the Children Act 1989 , and ( ii ) the justices had no power to order the guardian ad litem to ‘ have continued involvement ’ once the proceedings had been concluded by the making of an order under section 41 of the Children Act 1989 ; and ( 3 ) the justices had no jurisdiction to make a direction which anticipated a further application before the court , the justices power to give directions in respect of future applications being confined to a prohibition of further specified applications under section 91(14) of the Children Act 1989 .
24 The alternative is an increasingly fragmented and isolated working population open to the same types of abuse which characterized an earlier era of unbridled free market capitalism .
25 The sun had disappeared behind swollen grey clouds which threatened a rougher crossing back to the island than the trip earlier on .
26 Labour councils tended to spend relatively more and be more committed to spending on social services than Conservative councils which spent a higher proportion of their budgets on education , but the bulk of spending was similar and handled through nationally organized professionals rather than locally based politicians .
27 ( This was a purely English Report on Primary Education entitled Children and Their Primary Schools which followed the earlier 1965 Report on Primary Education in Scotland ( 3 ) called just that .
28 So I did n't even raise an objection when she insisted on touring the Story of Vadinamia museum , which included a lengthier account of the planet 's development than I could ever want — plus an equally detailed , and gruesome , study of life and death on the planets surface ,
29 The Declaration of Rights was eventually given statutory force with the passage of the Bill of Rights in December , which included a further proviso that no Catholic could inherit the Crown .
30 , Mary ( 1760–1843 ) , author , was born in 1760 in Southwark into a family of Rational Dissenters which included an older brother .
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