Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb past] [prep] that " in BNC.

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1 Also , in the meantime , a military revolt had taken place in the Spanish army , lead by General Franco , and it soon became clear the division of the contending sides were , on the one side , The Nationalists who were strongly supported by Italy , Germany and Portugal , and on The other side , the government forces , supported by Communist Russia , which led to that side being referred to as ‘ Republicans ’ .
2 The following year a further scheme of the Charity Commissioners set up an education system which led to that enjoyed today .
3 , mill manager at that time , is pictured third from left , front row , immediately in front of ( wearing glasses ) of which owned at that time .
4 To the extent that he went further so as to suggest that in no circumstances could the speeches be looked at other than for the purposes of seeing what was said on a particular date , his remarks have to be understood in the context of the issues which arose in that case .
5 According to Ibn Hajar , Molla Fenari seems to have ignored a number of invitations to audiences with the sultan , but was finally present at an audience to celebrate the Prophet 's birthday , held , according to al-Makrizi , on Friday 7 Rabi " I. Molla Fenari , who was seated below the shaykh of the Mu'ayyadiyya , Ibn al-Dayri , took no part in the learned debate which occurred at that audience but was later present at a private audience with the sultan , when the two conversed .
6 Against that consider the following despicable episode which occurred during that same visit .
7 He was as usual training his sights exclusively on the goal currently in view , in this case the unification of South Africa , the kindergarten campaign for which seemed at that moment to require a concession to Afrikaner racial prejudice .
8 There was nothing in the section or elsewhere which prohibited different courts on different occasions from making orders which in aggregate exceeded 240 hours , and there was nothing in Evans which conflicted with that conclusion .
9 British Telecom produced evidence which differed from that of the Ministry of Defence and which clearly highlighted the fundamental conflict of views which can occur in such a merger .
10 I am quite unable to accept that Parliament in adopting somewhat more prolix language was intending to achieve a result which differed from that recommended by the committee .
11 But the proposition that it was not lawful for the Secretary of State to adopt a tariff which differed from that of the judges was in my opinion wrong .
12 Shell sand , blown into the area between Caniçal and the end of the island in recent geological times , contains fossil shells and root- and branch-shaped concretions of the vegetation which existed at that time .
13 LOTHIAN REGION opened for business in 1975 and can trace its roots back to the local authorities which existed before that date .
14 He was an Afghan who bemused Robert Graves , and in this book must be regarded as a bee which escaped from that capacious bonnet ; his Kabul cousins thought him a figure of pure comedy .
15 But it was always easy come , easy go : easy-going in many ways , it seems — a characteristic which developed into that ‘ repose ’ and ‘ utter confidence in himself ’ that so many actors and writers remarked on .
16 William Stukeley , though , considered the church to be situated on the north side of All Saints Street and he drew a sketch of a fifteenth-century door which survived at that time .
17 Whether the action was heard by a consul or by one of the praetores fideicommissarii , in either case it was not an action of the formulary system but of a kind which lay beyond that system ; the involvement of magistrates in assessing the cases was therefore known as cognitio extra ordinem .
18 For Churchill had made his famous " Iron Curtain " speech on 5 March , and these were countries which lay beyond that barrier .
19 This is the case for the English king 's financial archives which provide us with much information on the sums collected , how they were spent , and the organisation which lay behind that expenditure .
20 It was probably this occasion which prompted Lloyd George to write of Balfour : ‘ I confess that I underrated the passionate attachment to his country which burnt under that calm , indifferent , and apparently frigid exterior ’ ; upon which Balfour 's latest biographer has somewhat severely commented : ‘ By ‘ passionate attachment to his country , ’ Lloyd George , presumably meant Balfour 's backing for him as Prime Minister … ’
21 And the railway made it worth while for us , who can now read the letters which resulted from that prolonged erotic oscillation .
22 All the energy and drive which gave to that campaign so electric a character in the first weeks of this year must find outlets for the same fundamental objectives in new , and yet familiar channels .
23 Despite the extent of mortality in the first onset of the plague ( and the evidence of heriot payments on the Winchester manors shows a death-rate there of at least 50 per cent ) , wages did not increase startlingly , and until about 1370 there was a rise in rents which corresponded with that in prices ( 60 ) .
24 These strategies included the formation of complex households , containing several nuclear family units , as a response to the severe economic pressures which prevailed at that time ( Anderson , 1980 , pp. 77–8 ) .
25 The paper dated 15 February 1983 before the works committee which resolved on that date to grant permission , contains a reference to the number of lorries anticipated at the Gillingham Gate daily and under the same heading ‘ Traffic-Safety and Freeflow ’ has a different entry from the one I have referred to .
26 Ashton had shouted something which sounded like that , when he was running away from the depot .
27 Karl , his head turned steadily to his right , peered intently at the run-down flats and battered buildings and factories lining small side-streets , each and every one of which ended in that apparently insignificant , almost unobtrusive wall of grey concrete blocks .
28 As he candidly admitted in his memoirs the issue of capital punishment , which re-surfaced in that year at the Conservative Party Conference , and his own handling of the debate , damaged his standing as Home Secretary , making it more difficult to introduce some planned reforms in sentencing policy :
29 What got in that loft Mark ?
30 What became of that ?
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