Example sentences of "[Wh det] [modal v] [verb] up " in BNC.

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1 When less fluid lavas are involved , which do n't break up into droplets , large gobbets of the molten rock are flung up from the vent , spreading out into irregular plates which may break up in the air into smaller bits .
2 Ants , which may make up to half of the animal biomass in some habitats , are not always involved in such an apparently one-sided relationship with plants , as we have seen in the case of the myrmecophytic epiphytes .
3 Money from the National Lottery and from private and public donations , will be needed to finance the building , which may cost up to £100 million .
4 Colds settle in the nose which may stuff up at night with much sneezing and blows out mucus and often blood ; nosebleeds with every cold .
5 There are two forms of sub-slate roof-deck construction favoured by the traditional builders which may store up serious problems for restorers of old buildings once a breach has occurred in the roof covering .
6 Thus , in my view , practical ability tests are acceptable , but genetic tests for disabilities which may turn up later in life should not be made available to employers .
7 Your roadie should organize transport to gigs , getting your equipment in and out of venues and also attend to any on-stage problems which may come up when you are playing .
8 You do need some space to work , though ; the AccuCard needs clearance of around two inches , which may take up the adjacent slot .
9 Entries which may take up more than one line must end with an END-OF keyword related to the initial keyword ; e.g. END-OF-CLASSIFICATIONS .
10 The project , which may take up to 30 years to complete , envisages canalizing the Apure river , together with three other tributaries of the Orinoco , and thereby draining 30,000 square kilometres of llanos , — seasonally-flooded savannah .
11 Slow onset ; gradual fever and chilliness which may run up and down the back ; feels very heavy and tired , so he is motionless , apathetic , drowsy , dislikes disturbances ; thirstless ; watery coryza which burns the upper lip ; occipital dull heavy headache ; sometimes a harsh croupy cough ; chills and heats chase each other ; sneezing ; sore throat ; face dark red , swollen with a besotted look ; ptosis ; so tired , weak and feels stupid .
12 Fixed-sum versus running-account : an obvious distinction between credit for a fixed amount of money ( such as HP , fixed loans of money ) and credit , perhaps up to a fixed ceiling , which may fluctuate up and down depending on what the borrower draws or pays in ( such as shop budget accounts , credit cards , bank overdrafts ) .
13 The research problem is large in scale and this particular project is seen as a pilot study which should open up further fruitful areas of analysis .
14 A slight alteration to the course this year — work going on around the River Mersey means that the runners now have the luxury of running through the elegant Marina Complex , which should speed up the proceedings .
15 The Indian government has been strongly criticized for its slow response , but a bill has now been introduced in parliament which should speed up the processing of claims .
16 Is there any possibility of going to a separate system and using er non potable water for all these other activities which must take up about seventy five or eighty percent of the quantities ?
17 Apart from legislation which might break up the unity of imperial law , some colonial legislation was likely to affect the interests of people in Britain directly .
18 Judge the timing of the research carefully , advised Ms Morris ; a key sales period , Christmas for example , would not be typical , neither were school holidays , which might throw up a biased sample .
19 Moreover many farm workers still find it difficult to meet the cost of private transport which might open up the range of alternatives .
20 The uncertain boundaries of the duchy gave rise to numerous disputes , any one of which might flare up into a major conflict , as the war of Saint Sardos demonstrated .
21 He believes that the jets may originate from ‘ dikes ’ — a geological term for tilted strata or layers or others particularly dusty areas which might stick up from the surrounding surface .
22 How would Niger and Nigeria react to the plans of upstream nations for barrages and irrigation schemes which might dry up the Niger ?
23 okay , well one last thing , I start with the last thing at the beginning , strangely , I mean you 're obviously getting all the technical details and all the expertise from people who know far better than I do , so I 'm not going to go into much technical detail until perhaps a bit later , which might come up if we get a debate going or when I look at your press releases .
24 Fund officials fear that the budget deficit may swell this year from 37 billion pesos ( $1.5 billion ) in 1992 to 75 billion pesos , or 6% of GDP , which might push up interest rates again .
25 They scanned the misty water , keeping a watch-out for driftwood which might foul up the engine .
26 In the gap I was planning to have a whole lot of lights and electronic valves which could light up and flash when the Dalek was agitated about anything .
27 A NEW vaccine against the infectious liver disease Hepatitis A , ‘ Havrix ’ , has this week been introduced in the UK : a course of two injections in the arm followed by a booster which could give up to 10 years ' immunity .
28 The Children 's Society denounced the proposals , which could cost up to £75 million , as a ‘ knee jerk reaction ’ given figures suggesting the number of persistent young offenders could be as low as 100 .
29 Meanwhile , work is under way on a European Commission draft directive which could tighten up demands already implicit in UK fire safety regulations .
30 The problem was , however , that the ink often obscured the watermark as well as large sections of the paper which could show up the idiosyncrasies of the particular mould used ( the point being that the hundreds of paper mills in existence at the time not only had their own watermarks but that each particular paper mould had its own variations in the structure of its wires ) .
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