Example sentences of "[Wh det] [modal v] [be] that " in BNC.

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1 But a person going about it seriously has to discount his own personal opinion , which may be that all coloured people should — um — be expelled from the country , and decide what is in the best interests of the country as a whole , given that there is a large — er — ethnic problem .
2 There are two solutions — either one refuses to conduct policy-oriented research in order to preserve one 's academic purity or one undertakes the research and risks the consequences which may be that one is over-identified with those who commissioned the research or those investigated .
3 Students are regarded as having contracts with their institution , one of the implied terms of which will be that the institution will act in accordance with natural justice .
4 Each shareholder of ( and beneficial owner of shares in ) an incorporated practice is required to submit to the Council a covenant , the effect of which will be that the costs of grants paid from the Compensation Fund in respect of the practice will in certain circumstances be recoverable from its shareholders .
5 A side effect of which can be that you can develop gout .
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