Example sentences of "[Wh det] [be] [art] way " in BNC.

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1 In both Classical and Christian thinking mysticism represents a way back to the source of being , but in Christian thinking from the fourth century on , the gulf between Creator and created was seen as mysteriously bridged by the love of God incarnate in Jesus Christ , God 's Word , the expression of himself manifest in time , which , in turn , enables human knowledge and love which are the way back .
2 The Alexander Technique , which is a way of allowing the body and mind to work together in order to avoid muscular tension , has constantly helped me to be calmer in stressful situations .
3 ‘ We 've invested our money back into a system others can come through , which is a way for us to stay fresh and help people we believe in . ’
4 In defence of these they point to their abandoning one of the key phrases of Soviet Marxist — Leninism , ‘ proletarian internationalism ’ , which is a way of talking about Soviet domination of world communism and also of Marx 's expression ‘ dictatorship of the proletariat ’ which would be contrary to the claim that communism is compatible with democracy .
5 As well as being party to the future plans of its vendor clients — many of whom will be directly responsible for developing technology which will fuel these forces — Gartner has arrived at 1995 by using diffusion theory , which is a way of interpreting something , in this case open systems , by examining the natural movement of its components .
6 The other factor probably the way to look at that more objectively is to see how many houses are in proximity to each of the routes which is a standard way again in the departments own er manual of environmental appraisal , of doing that and that is the information which is contained find it er which is a way of looking at noise effects .
7 This fiction has various names : ‘ private eye fiction ’ , ‘ hardboiled fiction ’ which is a way of describing its style , and erm I have been interested in this for some time , partly trying to assess the reasons why such fiction occurred in America as a complete breakaway from the old kind of detective fiction which we all know about , the country house murder , why erm the figure of the private detective becomes so important in this kind of fiction between the wars , and what the relationship of this sort of fiction is to not merely other kinds of American fiction during that period but to more abiding American themes , particularly erm themes of individualism and toughness .
8 The authorities have set a limit of one twist per customer per week , which is no way to handle the problem .
9 I brought the wine because I like it , which is no way to treat a lady , but I also liked the thought of sitting down with her , talking about interesting things , in the way you do with wine .
10 Apart from its wrongness in principle , it is ineffective , since the wrongdoing continues without being subject to public censure , which is the way that society typically brings pressure on individuals and groups to conform to civilised norms .
11 You see , there are two ways to get to Fedorov 's : the road , which is the way we went , and the towpath , which on foot is actually quicker , but impassable by carriage .
12 He told me just to run around and do some starts , which is the way I guess most athletes begin when they join a club .
13 Except that Adimov and his fellow barons will speak their names , and the cook will respond , which is the way of survival .
14 Apart from arranging all the necessary meetings , there is plenty of paper work concerning the actors " pay and repeat fees , details of music and musicians to be passed to the Performing Rights Society , a post-production script ( what really happened ) to be compiled or film to be transferred to tape , which is the way all commercials are now transmitted .
15 What I think is happening , I find this interesting , people are rejecting the idea of the aesthetic , and I 'm not quite sure why ; I do n't know whether they think it 's elitist or whether they 've got no taste of their own , or what , I do n't know , but people read poems not as poems which convey aesthetic emotion , which is the way I tend to think about poems ultimately , but simply as ideological statements and political texts , or at least , things that give you some understanding of the way people thought or so on at the time … .
16 Excuse me , do you know which is the way for Earth ? ’
17 Looked at in that way , which is the way that a member of the public would look at it , there was no falsity at all in the trade description . ’
18 Neither semantics nor logic requires V P structure , a priori , that is there 's no particular reason why you 'd expect verb phrase structuring in particular from either of those two enterprises , because either could get by with er either the flat structure Florence teased Dougal , that 's the structure in T three three separate constituents , or teased Florence Dougal where teased is one constituent and Florence Dougal is another which is the way we most standardly do it calculus and that works fine .
19 ‘ They seem more committed to the club than the county which is the way they want it but I have my own opinion on that , ’ said the highly respected Jones .
20 He 's a deep forward square leg and there 's Lawrence about thirty yards away from him a little finer , here 's Tufnell the he cuts it away on the off side , that 's a fine and wide give himself a little bit of room ease that away through extra cover , steward in front of the grandstand , four more , which is the way he plays , sixteen not out .
21 Stephen listened carefully to both , his head forward and down , like a horse 's hanging over a gate , which was a way he had and not altogether due to the curve in his spine .
22 I kept myself to myself , which was a way to get yourself talked about in such an open community where everybody 's business was regarded as common knowledge .
23 I pointed out that people liked to have something to sit on but promised that I 'd leave him plenty of scope for pacing , which was the way he did his thinking .
24 ‘ I was just talking to my bookie , ’ he said crisply , which was the way he treated money troubles .
25 But the way in which was the way in which that group have conducted this election , i i i is , as far as we 're concerned , is a model .
26 It was the heavy coconut shell of the goza , or water pipe , which was the way Cairo habitué preferred to take their hashish .
27 He knew he would be able to work with her the way he like to , not a barnstorming nonstop battle which was the way he had to work with Gesner , but an exciting exploration of just what new heights could be achieved .
28 Which was the way he would always do things , she realised .
29 So what 's the way ahead with dealing with the terrorists ?
30 So what 's the way ahead against the terrorists ?
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