Example sentences of "[Wh det] [adv] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Secondly , criminal law involves complex institutional arrangements , for example , magistrates , Crown Courts , juries , the Court of Appeal , Criminal Division ( which remarkably retains a power to overrule its own decisions , see R v.
2 As far as public international law is concerned , the member states in question refer above all to the Geneva Convention of 29 April 1958 on the High Seas , article 5(1) of which expressly recognises the right of each state to fix ‘ the conditions for the grant of its nationality to ships , for the registration of ships in its territory , and for the right to fly its flag . ’
3 Methods which expressly reflect the term structure of interest rates or the market value of liabilities were rejected mainly on grounds of complexity .
4 If the clause contains language which expressly exempts the person in whose favour it is made ( " the proferens " ) from the consequences of the negligence of his own servants , effect must be given to that provision .
5 Such intrusions , which rarely attain the dimensions of batholiths , are known as lopoliths and their layered structure tends to lead to the formation of series of outward-facing scarps as they are exposed by erosion .
6 There is also a third form of competition , one which comes neither from the academy , nor from the laity , one by which we are all influenced but which rarely receives the attention it deserves : novelists , journalists , film-makers and dramatists are , at least in part , also professional students of the social world .
7 Amongst the younger generation the arrival of the book in the wake of Penguin 's successful defence met with an enthusiasm which rarely survived a thumbing of its pages .
8 For example , the common dissolution of isolated evaporite minerals forms isolated , secondary pore spaces ( Fig. 5.36c ) which rarely enhance the effective porosity of a sediment .
9 She is a passionate maker , absorbed in every stage of creation , finding alien the widespread modern method of manufacturing stained glass in a factory , which thereby relegates the artist to mere designer .
10 In a way which strikingly presages the modern socialist welfare-state , divine kings became not only tyrants , but also providers and protectors of their people .
11 It is these states , bound to the Soviet Union by geography , dependency and military weakness which properly form the ‘ Soviet Empire ’ , and whose contribution to Soviet power we shall now examine .
12 It is the state which properly exercises the use of force in order to maintain social control , whereas it is in civil society — the family , school , work-place , church , and other non-state institutions — that hegemony operates .
13 I now turn to the question of transport , one of the aspects which most worry the people of Scotland .
14 In that same parliament those of the Ordinances of 1311 which most offended the king were repealed , no champion of them surviving the earl of Lancaster .
15 Gresham 's School , Holt have made their contribution of players over the years and they are the current holders of the Henry Griserson trophy for the side which most impressed the XL Club by its performance on and off the field in 1991 .
16 It is this alarming development which most concerns the National Amenity Societies represented in this report .
17 The squalor produced by prison overcrowding is perhaps the issue which most scandalizes the public conscience , but there are others .
18 So the hedges which most interest the historian are those which most fascinate the botanist .
19 He then went on to describe the very considerable commercial and economic disadvantages experienced by peripheral industrial countries compared with the enormous advantages enjoyed by the privileged centrally placed Golden Triangle countries and called to question the entire concept of a European budget which incredibly penalised the poorer peripheral countries instead of applying the penalty the other way round .
20 Most people on the ‘ Carry Ons ’ seemed to think that it was quite nice having Ken around , which assuredly had a lot to do with his love of the series .
21 POLICE are investigating the cause of a fire which badly damaged a large mill last night .
22 A fire which badly damaged a house at Leam Lane , Felling , near Gateshead , was started by a six-year-old girl playing with a lighter , police said last night .
23 St Johnstone coach John McClelland came on as substitute in the second half in a vain bid to restore confidence to a rearguard which badly missed the suspended John Inglis .
24 The failure to prioritise needs realistically or to genuinely recognise people 's individuality sometimes leads to competition for resources which badly damages the educational chances of some individuals .
25 However , the lobby group which successfully opposed the plan , and environmental organisations , are now convinced the registers will be dropped .
26 Clay-cored banks have been constructed to form a waterproof perimeter which successfully isolates the reserve .
27 I support strongly the development of housing associations in view of my experience with my local authority in Sevenoaks , which successfully sold the whole of its housing stock to West Kent housing association .
28 In contrast to the few pet names moving through the bynames stage to become established hereditary surnames , there are dozens of diminutives which successfully made the transition , and an example of the surnames coined from but one font-name is sufficient to make the point : from Richard ( Reaney , as above ) come almost thirty styles including Rich , Richie , Hitch , Hitchcock , Higgins , Hicks , Dick , Dickie and Diggen .
29 Firstly he introduced new cars , including the De Luxe cars , new Pullman cars for the Fleetwood route and the famous toastracks which successfully operated the Circular Tour .
30 By March things had settled down sufficiently for the DCAC to mount a mass demonstration which successfully traversed the original 5 October route — this time without diversions , but this was the last occasion on which the DCAC was able to organise a peaceful mass demonstration .
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