Example sentences of "[Wh det] [pron] [vb mod] like " in BNC.

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1 I have seen some very attractively variegated mint which I would like to grow in the flower border , but my mother says it will take over the whole garden .
2 However speculative my development of the theory of memes may be , there is one serious point which I would like to emphasize once again .
3 ‘ I have views which I would like to express . ’
4 But the other way in which our Party has a future is the way in which I would like to see it have a future .
5 Then I had an idea which I would like to try out on you .
6 You 're not , you 've not got your councillors coming forward and er you know that , which , which I would like because the , the only way you 'll get your , get anything is by sort of working for it and erm we are very proud you know , I do n't know whether you 've , you must 've seen the book you know erm the , the was brought out the centenary , the eighty-three and er , I mean er , er there 's an awful lot of information there .
7 There are , however , one or two points in the article which I would like to comment upon .
8 So as a small token of appreciation , I just have two books or two copies of the same book which I would like to hand to your president and to your general secretary as a token of appreciation and it 's the authorized biography of Nelson Mandela of whom we are all very proud , considering what he has suffered through and what he has done and we hope that this little token will be a kind of memento for all your support but by doing this I 'm not saying that your support is over because the struggle continues .
9 Unless you have recently became a Contract Volunteer you will find with this newsletter a Mailings and Materials sheet which I would like you to fill in .
10 However there 's erm a further aspect of the original strategy which I would like specifically to draw to the panel 's attention .
11 The sale of David Batty has at least made room for the introduction of Rocky ( something which I would like to have seen earlier given the injury problems of Strach ) and his performances to date have been good although showing signs of the years lay off .
12 See , Sue has n't come back to me , the science department has n't come to me so I 'm not , I may leave that and say , and do something like that next year in a module or wait until I 've finished again I do n't mind , that 's still something in my mind which I would like to do but because talking to the form tutor 's , what I had written down as a fait a complet erm they 're not too keen so therefore I opened up and say you know , which particular things they were interested in the banking one they are very interested in the environment one , yes , within the school tidy upping area that they would like to do but I 've got ta be able to , and I do n't when planting season is or if I wan na put , be able to put flowers in etcetera , you see what I mean ?
13 Which I would like to aim to complete by lunchtime so we can resume afresh on the others at five thirty .
14 I hope all of you know or have met this good friend of the Hundred I 'm sure that most of you have and he has with him today a guest from Germany , Herr and his charming daughter er and Mr was a member of the and has provided invaluable information here , who as you know is doing a , a comprehensive book on the monster mission and in commemoration of what we have done today , we have a letter addressed to er the Hundredth Bomb Group Memorial Association U K , from the Most Reverend Doctor the Bishop of Munster which I would like to read to you .
15 If I start listing all the factors which I would like my friend to have , I would be here until next year !
16 in about in the Easter holidays , I 'm going to see Cats , that 's like my dad 's treat because we ca n't go on the Friday that 's on a school , which I would like to , I think I will go on
17 You 've had ample time to get your feet under the table by now and one or two things have come up which I 'd like you to pursue .
18 Martina has delighted me with her form for 14 years which I 'd like to thank her for .
19 And what I 'm saying is we 're just reversing the we 're going to do the attendance report , financial report and then the chief executive 's report because there are a number of issues which I 'd like to raise within that .
20 I have a number of scanned photographs in PCX format which I 'd like to edit .
21 And I 'd refer you to paragraph three ten and also paragraph four two two which I 'd like to quote a short erm element from .
22 A second factor which I 'd like to raise , and please stop me , sir , if I 'm not playing your ground rules here , is to get back to the original point made by Mr Davis , as to how this figure is going to be split between the districts , I think it 's absolutely essential that this figure is split between the districts , and it may well be , if you decide , sir , to recommend in favour of the new settlement that you may have to leave that as a floating figure to go around the districts , at the moment it is not .
23 There 's some more information on the back which I 'd like to come to later .
24 He stopped as he heard her gasp , then went on steadily , ‘ But I have a question to which I 'd like to know the answer .
25 Interestingly enough in the interval there 's a couple of interesting observations been made by by various of you which I 'd like to mention before we actually get back on to the handout as it were .
26 . I hardly dare say this in this context , but if we well now the Council has taken a decision to close this elderly person 's home , there is actually a logic to it , which I 'd like to talk about .
27 The Plowden Report on Control of Public Expenditure contained , amongst other nuggets of wisdom , the following sentence which I should like to take as my starting-point : ‘ The social changes of the last fifteen years have altered the incidence of hardship , so that there now may well be excessive social services for some purposes and inadequate ones for others . ’
28 Near me as I write are a number of volumes which I should like us to examine together in order to illustrate further the fascination of association books ; this time not inaccessible treasures but items of the type that can come to every collector .
29 Then , in the predicate , there is the pay-off , which I should like to express , in terms derived from the preceding discussion of the meaning of ‘ I meant … ’ , by saying that what is , from outside , a sentence is , from inside , what is thought ( 54 , 290 ) , where ‘ from inside ’ refers to the thought-symbol 's actually playing the role ( 238 ) which characterises the reality in question .
30 " I 'm referring to a leading article which appeared in The Times concerning the Exhibition and which I should like to read you ( by a fortunate chance I happen to have it on my person ) .
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