Example sentences of "[Wh det] [verb] they [det] " in BNC.

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1 Lineage shaikhs designated one of their number to be a section shaikh , to represent them in affairs which concerned them all .
2 There was a certain constraint in his manner now which made them both ill-at-ease .
3 She smiled at them again , and one of the young men leant towards his companion and said something which made them both laugh .
4 There may be a notice board which has them all written down , so that residents and staff can see at a glance what 's on today .
5 The next dance was another waltz , which pleased them both as a waltz was more intimate than some of the other dances .
6 Not only is the system which appoints them both ludicrous and antiquated , but it is difficult to quantify quite what the Lords achieves .
7 as their political and moral equals by signing an agreement which committed them all to the same values .
8 And as part of the deal , I had some petty cash with which to buy them all sandwiches and coffee so they could get changed or dressed while they ate and I took them to the next job if they had one , or wherever they wanted to go .
9 The proposed areas are included among 40 National Scenic Areas , which affords them some protection , but the Commission feels that they urgently need much better management and investment if their natural beauty , range of species of wildlife and cultural values are to be preserved .
10 Mr Hall denied this and maintained his 270 new recruits had been bonded together by the ugly scenes which confronted them each day as they passed picket lines .
11 As this is not a book on careers in advertising , the best thing I can do to give you an idea of the sort of people you might conceivably find in an agency is to refer you to the books by Norman Hart and Felicity Taylor ( see page 232 ) which describe them all very comprehensively .
12 The darkness of which Hilton speaks , and the darkness of the penitential understanding in the Passion meditations , may belong to different stages of development in the knowledge of God , but they are part of a continuous pattern of experience of death and resurrection which underlies them all .
13 Very deliberately she closed her teeth gently on his fingertip , her eyes holding his , and with a smothered sound Penry jerked his hand away and seized her in his arms , his kiss igniting a response which set them both alight .
14 The relationship is still going strong despite a heavy workload which takes them both all over the world .
15 War-time mobilisation acts as a single institution which grades them all according to its distinct purposes , thus serving as an external check upon their nature quite separate from the whims of the observer and the contingencies of their previous situation in life .
16 There seem to be so many additives available for marine tanks that you would need a store room in which to keep them all .
17 Their work was hampered when a large boulder blocking their way was moved , resulting in a further fall of shale which took them several hours to remove .
18 We scaled the 3000'ers many times individually but never completed the walk which incorporated them all , although two unsuccessful attempts were made .
19 The idea was to obtain as many outstanding characteristics as possible from the patient and then to find the remedy , or remedies , which contained them all .
20 Nineteenth-century philosophers were anxious to produce systems of classification of the sciences , and at the end of the century Robert Flint of Edinburgh wrote a History of Classifications of the Sciences ( Edinburgh , 1904 ) which summarized them all .
21 Great Britain , for their part , will be looking to recapture the many admirable qualities which brought them that improbable victory after Steve Hampson 's early dismissal reduced them to 12 men .
22 He said it with a heavy emphasis which brought them all close to tears but the mood was soon scattered by all the joyful preparations Rose had planned .
23 The relief of an interlude with one of the handful of people who could understand his feelings made him weep , which embarrassed them both .
24 And over all these virtues put on love , which binds them all together in perfect unity .
25 The killing is repeated on ritual occasions , perhaps at first because the protection the totem gives them is not enough , or because they need to band together again to re-enact the crime which binds them all together , although they use a surrogate for the crime , not the actual father again .
26 About half the tables in the hotel dining-room were occupied but Wycliffe , with Kersey and Lucy Lane , was placed in one of the window embrasures which gave them all the privacy they could have wished .
27 There are three elements to the Nile valley : the blue river , the green of the cultivated banks and the dun colour of the desert ridges which enclose them both .
28 To this centre people would come from different parts to learn from each other about issues which affect them all in everyday life .
29 According to the theory of universal grammar , children start outlife with a universal grammar or language ‘ blueprint ’ in the mind which gives them some idea of the form that any language will take .
30 It 's her assiduity which enables them all to be so modest about their success — and they all are pretty successful , one way and another .
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