Example sentences of "[Wh det] [verb] [pn reflx] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Four of these were members of the networks under observation , but lived in neighbouring townships and so were excluded from the quantitative analysis which concerned itself with the known-unknown ratio in specific townships .
2 Dope was n't , but the drug legal advice service ‘ Release ’ which concerned itself with the increasing number of busts — and junkies — began operating in West London .
3 But ships are too valuable to lie idle for very long , and Robert barely had a month in which to re-acquaint himself with his new wife and pat his young infants on the head before he was leaving John Street and Stepney again — through Limehouse into Poplar and aboard the Orynthia in West India Dock .
4 There had been some war damage but this was not on a scale which lent itself to large-scale redevelopment .
5 Ms Darlow took along her wedding gown for one and her grandmother 's hat and muff for another an outfit which lent itself to a sepia finish , said Mrs Simmons .
6 Chez Gerard , a London restaurant which prides itself on its Frenchness and its wine list , is just one now considering offering non-French wines for the first time , including some from the Antipodes .
7 The company , which prides itself on its environmental record , decided a final solution was needed to avoid in one fell swoop the seasonal embarrassment of leaves on the line .
8 Take this from a Spare Rib interview with Catherine Itzin , founding member of the Campaign Against Pornography And Censorship ( CPC ) , which prides itself on a definition of pornography which would leave ‘ erotica ’ untouched by any new law .
9 Meantime at Southampton University , which prides itself on having the largest optoelectronics research group in the UK with 100 scientists , its own fabrication facilities and 35 dark room labs , activities are focussed on a variety of optical fibre , laser and sensor devices .
10 By drawing together a variety of material , it builds up a picture of inequity which ‘ is inexcusable in a democratic society which prides itself on being humane ’ .
11 This paradoxical state of affairs is the result of three factors : due , first , to the large number of commanders who , like Wojciech Jaruzelski , trace their formative upbringing to the USSR and the Soviet organised First and Second Polish Armies of the Second World War ; secondly , to the social ostracism suffered by officers belonging to an army which prides itself on being the guardian of Communist as well as national values .
12 In an institution which prides itself on keeping politicians at arm 's length ( a rare achievement in Italy ) , Mr Dini 's contacts with the former government of Giulio Andreotti were unpopular .
13 Even Sun , which prides itself on its ‘ belligerent consistency ’ or sometimes just on its belligerence , said it could see itself negotiating issues .
14 As W S Steer pointed out , ‘ … the department which prides itself on never making a mistake is almost certainly grossly overstaffed ’ ( Wiseman 1970:87 ) .
15 A school which prides itself on its history .
16 At stake the image of a party which prides itself on being loyal , but which has been riven by dissent .
17 The result of this advance publicity not wildly accurate as it turns out spelt potential disaster for NBT which prides itself on making its work more accessible to youngsters .
18 In his amateur days he was an ‘ eviction technician ’ ( a fashionable euphemism for bouncer ) but such work is regarded as unseemly for the standard bearer of a sport which prides itself in its healthy clean-living image , and he now supplements his income from the few competitions which pay more than a pittance by personal appearances .
19 In Sweden , a country which prides itself in the freedom of thought and action which it allows its citizens , education from elementary school to college and university is defined and controlled through state boards .
20 While such a proposal might well serve large cities with many facilities , Clemenhagen argues it would also benefit isolated or rural hospitals because they would have standards by which to compare themselves with their counterparts .
21 These three laws or principles relate to Creation , Preservation or Sustenance , and Dissolution or Destruction , which repeat themselves in a cycle and apply to all existing phenomena .
22 And , quite frankly , I think that that women these days have very little time in which to indulge themselves in their own hobbies and interests , and I think women should stand up and say to the government , no you will not inflict this responsibility upon us !
23 There 's even a flying snake , which flattens itself into an aerofoil and swims through the air like flying tagliatelle .
24 But now , inspired by the example of their neighbours in the restless Islamic Soviet Central Asian republics , one group of Chinese Muslims in Xinjiang province , which borders Afghanistan , Pakistan and the Soviet republics of Uzbekistan , Kazakhstan and Kirgizia , is showing signs of dissatisfaction and a desire for greater autonomy which manifested themselves in a small but bloody rebellion in March of this year .
25 One may indeed go so far as to assert that the Japanese occupation of Indochina was the key issue in the conflict between Japan and the US which led to the attack at Pearl Harbor ; and after what was , initially , a rather lofty approach to the problems of Indochina and Southeast Asian security , America 's final demand that Japan remove its forces from both China and Indochina ( 26 November 1941 ) was met with the equally final Japanese rejection which manifested itself at Pearl Harbor and the invasion of Southeast Asia .
26 Not only were they still ignorant of the language , but they now had a sense of personal inadequacy — totally justified , I might add — which manifested itself in a stubborn refusal to learn anything .
27 We may eventually come to think in terms of a Minoan Universal Spirit , which manifested itself in many different transformations , each with a different name , character , and function , and which yet somehow was regarded as a single deity .
28 It is imperative that we emphasise the uniqueness of the Catholic school which understands itself as a faith community in which the beliefs and values communicated in Religious Education inspire and unify every aspect of the school life .
29 In May 1905 the two agreed to sell 70 acres of Upper Bolney Farm to the newly formed syndicate which registered itself as Bolney Estates Ltd. in 1906 .
30 They were following the concrete channel of the serpentine rill , which emptied itself into a pool of stygian blackness .
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