Example sentences of "[Wh det] [verb] [pers pn] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Thus it could be alleged that we are all vulnerable to this power , individuals having little control over their lives , in the shadow of a powerful and looming state which offers them protection and a set of civil/political rights , the main being to elect representatives in return for their acquiescence .
2 Its design and construction were handed to the Bristol Aircraft Company , which designated it model 167 .
3 The invaders assembled at Stornoway were now divided by a bitter quarrel over whether or not they should move on to the mainland , only ended when one of the Earl Marischal 's supposed subordinates , William Murray , Marquis of Tullibardine , suddenly produced a commission granted to him two years before by James which appointed him Commander-in-Chief of all his forces in Scotland .
4 If you pray for liberty then you may get relief just because you pray , or because things happen anyhow which bring you liberty .
5 This , allied to the respect and admiration he had already gained here as captain of our 1977 promotion team and as a member of the full Welsh International side , established an empathy between Ian and the fans which made him part of the folk-lore of Crystal Palace Football Club .
6 That , then , was the concatenation of circumstances that lay behind the events of Thursday night : Bill Muggeridge noticing the ring on the kitchen calendar ; Toby winning a victory over the headmaster on Monday night which made him chary of challenging him again on Wednesday ; Mr Crumwallis deciding that , on balance , a public schoolboy who was on the staff would do more for the school 's prestige than a young local , however personable .
7 The ease with which he passes from provincial gaucheries to suave Franco-Italianate portraiture , which made him painter to King George III , is fully recorded .
8 We wade around in so many glossy pointless circulars , so many yards of dubious newsprint , that it is easy to forget this primary fact : it is words , and our ability to speak and write , which make us human .
9 A horse will pull all the more against a bit which causes him pain or if his mouth is split in the corner even though pulling makes it worse .
10 No , it is not these articles which cause me concern , but you . ’
11 Likes and dislikes apart , the inheritance which matters most for our thinking at this stage is more to do with what has fashioned our inner responses , especially the responses which cause us discomfort , anger , anxiety or conflict .
12 If IBM is contemplating dumping PCs , which cost it money every time it sells one , that would make Rios and soon-to-be PowerPC machines its entry level .
13 So there were a large number of new drugs , all purporting to quieten disturbed patients , and very little means by which to evaluate them property .
14 Towards the end of his life he told Osbert Sitwell ; ‘ Any talent I may have was due to a long illness as a boy , which afforded me time to think , and subsequent ill-health , because I was not allowed to play games , and so had to teach myself , for my enjoyment , to use my eyes instead of my feet . ’
15 If the child writes out the word somewhere else ( not , preferably , in the same book he does his writing in ) say , in his word book , he can use felt-tips to colour the parts of the word which caused him difficulty .
16 He observed the introspection and its richness of imagination with a certain alarm ; Benson looking into himself and finding there , as Ramsey put it , ‘ a huge world of fantasy ’ , which caused him distress and yet conditioned his affection for the human race .
17 Right up until the coup in nineteen twenty seven they had been following a policy dictated by Moscow , dictated by Stalin which told them form alliances with the Kuomintang , work with the Kuomintang , first of all trust Chiang Kai-shek , then when Chiang Kai-shek turned on them they were told to trust the left Kuomintang leaders who were based in Wo Han in the middle Yangtze valleys , and then they turned on them a policy , in other words , that had proved absolutely disastrous .
18 Likert 's conclusion was that the style of supervision is more important in achieving better results than any more general factors such as job interest , loyalty towards the company etc. ( however , it remains true that employees must receive rewards ( pay etc ) which give them compensation for their efforts .
19 The fact remains that the debate on contemporary art seems to have entered a new dimension , with doubt being cast wholesale on the quality and content of recent trends , and on the good faith of the public institutions which give them space .
20 In both translation and pedagogy , I suggest , effective mediation depends on the recognition of the relationship between underlying ideas and the surface forms which give them expression .
21 That is fundamental to the needs of our economy in the years ahead ; fundamental to the prospects for unemployed people ; and fundamental also to the creation of opportunities for our people not only to obtain work , to have and to hold down a job , but to obtain work and jobs which give them satisfaction , which are truly rewarding and which enable them to fulfil their potential to the greatest possible extent .
22 Chris Waddle 's club , who this week took their spending for the season so far to £14 million by signing the Nantes player Didier Deschamps , have signed agreements with four players which give them priority should they wish to sign any of them .
23 After two days which give them time to gain maximum strength they are taken back and released in the same areas as the eggs were collected .
24 It is peculiarly English and should be bought from a round loaf , covered in strings of fat which give it flavour .
25 Which give us power to shake
26 Brinson could cope with the work only because he was at the Foundation , where people could see him , which had concerns close to those of the CNAA , and which allowed him time to take part .
27 Then finally , in the case of officers , employees , and others in a professional or business relationship , they must be in a position which affords them access to information which they ought not reasonably to disclose , save for the proper performance of their duties .
28 In the current financial climate , which sees us wrestling with colleges managing their own budgets and , in our own authority , reeling from the outcome of poll-capping , the expenses involved in improving physical access are likely to be competing with numerous other worthy but expensive causes .
29 Meanwhile , Themes and Variations , the decorative art gallery in Westbourne Grove which takes it name from Fornasetti 's celebrated dinner plate collection , is holding a month-long show , beginning October 10 .
30 There must have been a proportion of shy , bashful ones around , but they were not in evidence amongst the mob which harassed us day by day as we tried to make our way around the town on our own affairs .
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