Example sentences of "[Wh det] [adj] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And the way in which a hierarchy of documentation is structured in such an organization , is by having policy from which procedures are developed , from which working structures cascade .
2 Especially well known is Willis 's Learning to Labour , a study of cultures which working class children construct for themselves at school .
3 The third category of incisor digestion is one in which extensive enamel digestion occurs over the whole incisor ( Fig. 3.22 J-K , and Fig. 3.23 H-I ) .
4 The latest raid , following a day in which Pakistani UN soldiers shot dead at least 2O demonstrators , suggested that the UN peacekeeping operation might degenerate into an undeclared war against Somalia 's gunmen .
5 The bid price is equivalent to $293 ‘ per pop ’ — the way in which cellular radio licences are valued in the US , based on the population of a catchment area .
6 The proliferation index was also calculated separately for each of five compartments of equal size into which each crypt column was divided .
7 This template , called NORMAL.DOT , is a series of menu definitions , dialogue box settings and styles to which each Word document defaults in the absence of a customised template .
8 The predominance of a small minority of cases is further illustrated if we use two further measures of the extent of the coverage in addition to the gross number of reports , that of the number of days and the number of pages in which each rape case is featured .
9 At the same meeting an asylum convention was signed by all the members except Denmark under which each asylum case would be handled by only one member-state and thereby end the so-called " orbiting " of refugees from one country to another .
10 In the earlier paper this permitted the syntactic determination of the environment in which each component processes should run .
11 HCIMA publishes and regularly updates a list of centres offering its programmes including the modes of study which each centre offers .
12 Calculate that outcome which each employee values ( Expectancy ) .
13 All major decisions are taken by a general assembly in which each adult member of a kibbutz has the right to vote .
14 Argument may continue about the extent of poverty or the balance of payments , but the very facts to which each side appeals are in dispute .
15 For descriptive purposes the CCPR is given as the slope ( SEM ) of each regression line ; the R-sq% is also given , which represents the extent to which each data set is described by a straight line .
16 We also need the operation.of logical complement or Not , by which each zero bit becomes a one and each one a zero .
17 Society for him , as for Durkheim , was an organism of which each constituent part existed to contribute to the well-being of the whole .
18 By assigning elasticities and values of time obtained from the literature , it will assess the response of each group to different levels of road pricing , the extent to which each group benefits or loses , and the impact of these different group responses on the overall performance of road pricing .
19 Consider first a ladder filter of the type studied in the previous section in which each series impedance Z 1 is due to inductance L and each parallel impedance Z 2 to capacitance C as shown in figure 9.3(a) .
20 Thus , conversation , which is normally marked for secondary stress on and primary stress on is represented as in stressed , phonemic form.With this type of representation , in which each vowel phoneme ( except schwa ) can be marked for stress , an additional 19 units are introduced into the phoneme inventory .
21 For instance , in gallium arsenide ( often touted as an eventual successor to silicon in the microchip industry ) , the gallium and arsenic atoms form a type of bond in which each gallium atom ‘ borrows ’ an electron from an arsenic atom .
22 First there was the clear call to the work which each team member felt .
23 the following disorders for which specific substitution therapy is essential
24 The result of this unique situation has been that , although there have been disagreements about which specific reactor type should be built , governments of both main political parties have nearly always accepted the UKAEA 's general pro-nuclear arguments .
25 Since height in common with all the other relevant factors , including fire loading , is capable of considerable variation and future development , it would be wrong to suggest arbitrary stages of magnitude at which specific fire protection measures are appropriate .
26 He had swum against the tide at a time when schools to which specific counsellor appointments had previously been made had used a counsellor 's vacancy , at a time of teaching staff reductions , for other purposes .
27 This asserts clearly that , before proceeding with development , government departments will consult the local planning authorities when the proposed development is one for which specific planning permission would , in normal circumstances , be required .
28 The first layer interatomic spacings can be determined by measuring α c along the directions for which specific crystal azimuths are aligned with the projectile direction and matching the experimentally determined ratio r/l ; = tan α c to the ( r , l ) coordinates of the shadow cone .
29 We shall focus on the search for drugs which lower blood pressure , while noting that they do not cure , that their role is essentially palliative , and that their use is not always appropriate .
30 Behind the industrial revolution were a series of major historical transformations , including the abandonment of popular culture by the European elites after 1500 such that the concept of culture itself became more closely related to hierarchy , but was combined with a growth in literacy and other resources by means of which lower status groups might also gain access to the new high culture ( see Burke 1978 : 270 and Mukerji 1983 for pre-1800 ; Williams 1961 for post-1800 ) .
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