Example sentences of "[be] bring [adv prt] in " in BNC.

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1 But , whatever it is that her flooding liquid pigment does , one thing it always seems to be bringing about in the beholder .
2 Meanwhile , the Scots who had refused to allow her to be brought up in England sent her , at the beginning of August , to France .
3 And he ordered that his daughters should be brought up in the studies beseeming dames .
4 Their father , John Wordsworth , a law-agent in Cockermouth , sent Dorothy to be brought up in Halifax by a relative , and before long had enrolled William in a boarding-school at Hawkshead .
5 Children were to be brought up in accordance with Nature ; when describing the progress of little Basil Montagu in 1796 Dorothy says :
6 The child is to be brought up in the country , and should learn by experience ; this is far better than sitting indoors , studying books .
7 She has never abused her position while appearing determined that her sons will be brought up in the sensitive , caring manner denied to their father .
8 Little boys may be brought up in families where they saw their fathers exercising power in a very macho , bluff way .
9 If William and Harry were to be brought up in the rather stiff and formal atmosphere of the Palace after suffering the trauma of their parents ' splitting up , they would hardly end up as the secure , well-balanced people the Queen hopes will succeed her .
10 In fact when you introduced me , I thought , ‘ Oh my God , I 'm going to be brought up in front of the assembly for some heinous crime and be humiliated . ’
11 ‘ They should make it clear that corporal punishment is outmoded and that children have a right to be brought up in their own religion .
12 Even those whose fathers spent some years in industry tended to be brought up in the village .
13 The Gotobeds led a bad life to his strict way of thinking , gambling and travelling and pleasuring themselves , and he said Louisa should be brought up in the fear of the Lord . ’
14 It was not unknown for foreigners to be brought up in this way , and trained for responsible posts in the army , priesthood or civil service .
15 But he wishes the children , both of whom were born in Australia , to be brought up in that country where he will be content with access to them .
16 I am satisfied , therefore , that the issue which arises for determination , that is whether it is in the children 's interests that the mother should be permitted to live with them in England or whether they should be brought up in Australia where they could have more frequent contact with their father , may properly be determined in either court .
17 This means that a higher proportion of children will be brought up in the local authority sector than figures for the distribution of tenure in their parents ' age-band would suggest .
18 With thoughts of conservation I can understand this but then one must understand the times when these were being worked and in the 19th and early 20th century this chalk gave a great many people employment and allowed families to be brought up in reasonably comfortable conditions and many of us now owe our very existance to these cement factories , our fathers and grandfathers earning their livings working on them .
19 She began , Dear Sis , Tell Joel that it 's quite an education in itself for the girls to be brought up in the heart of the capital , and on the very shores of London 's historic river .
20 It was beautiful how they 'd laid it down that the baby should be brought up in Dynmouth so that they could always see it about the place .
21 If I saw any cruelty in this business , I 'd leave the business because I would n't like my son to be brought up in an environment where there was cruelty to animals .
22 Children raised in a middle-class family in which the parents and grandparents were university-educated are likely to be brought up in an environment in which reading and learning are stressed and going to university is encouraged .
23 A local authority may not cause the child to be brought up in any religious persuasion other than the one in which he would have been brought up if the order had not been made ( s33(6) ( a ) ) .
24 Third , there should be a competition tribunal , which would be brought in in two circumstances .
25 The way that we 've found it in this this year 's Liberal Democrat Conference was to actually put forward the suggestion that Regional Government could be brought in in a flexible sense .
26 The Peruvian economist Hernando de Soto in his book , The Other Path , argues that such change can be brought about in the Latin American context by legalizing the informals .
27 Loss of citizenship may be brought about in three ways , naturalization in a foreign country , in case of double citizenship , declaration of renunciation of British citizenship , revocation of a certificate of naturalization .
28 Where there is a gender cue , role mapping can be indirectly affected via name mapping ( she is Diane , so the seer was the person questioned ) , but when there is no such cue role mapping must be brought about in some other way .
29 Many reaction enthalpies can not be determined experimentally because the reactions can not be brought about in the laboratory .
30 It states that if a given change can be brought about in more than one way , the overall enthalpy change is the same for each way .
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