Example sentences of "[be] hold in [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It was agreed that elections would be held in Zimbabwe , despite the activities of various black guerrilla forces led by Joshua Nkomo and Robert Mugabe , and a constitutional convention was to be held in London .
2 My impression was that since it was to be held in London , Angela was doing the work , with a good deal of help from colleagues at Yeo Davis .
3 This SCI industrial health and safety group discussion forum will be held in London on 29 January 1992 .
4 This major microscopy conference and exhibition , organised by the Royal Microscopical Society , will be held in London on 7–10 July 1992 .
5 Effects of harmonising standards in Europe The conference on standards for pressure vessels will be held in London on 25 February 1992 .
6 A conference on The solid waste problem — issues in disposal , recycling and environmental monitoring will be held in London on 18–19 March 1992 .
7 Auditing environmental air emissions will be held in London on 20 March 1992 .
8 This conference , which will discuss Cleaner energies for the future , will be held in London on 28–29 April 1992 .
9 An IFST conference on environmental issues facing the food industry , How green is our industry , will be held in London on 15 April 1992 .
10 Winning the generation game — where are the opportunities in the UK and European energy markets ? , a conference on the single international energy market , will be held in London , on 27–28 April 1992 .
11 Two conferences are to be held in London , Understanding the benefits of adopting a cradle-to-grave approach on the 31 April 1992 , and The practicalities of conducting and applying life cycle analysis on 1 May 1992 .
12 A Bios conference , Development and implementation of the new device directives , will be held in London on 12 May 1992 .
13 This IBC and Health and Safety Executive conference entitled The major hazard aspects of the transportation of dangerous substances will be held in London on 12–13 May 1992 .
14 This conference , organised by the Plastics and Rubber Institute , will be held in London on 19–20 May 1992 .
15 A conference entitled Condition monitoring and corrosion prevention in refineries and petrochemical plants will be held in London on 1–2 June 1992 .
16 This conference and exhibition will focus on New technology and applications from X-ray to mm waves and will be held in London on 8–12 June 1992 .
17 The top 30 regional entrants will be invited to the final which will be held in London on June 4 , 1993 .
18 The Department of Trade and Industry is to consult business about the implications of computer misuse — estimated to cost over £1bn a year — through a series of seminars to be held in London , Manchester , Birmingham and Bristol .
19 These questions will be answered by the ferry inquiry to be held in London .
20 Conference to be held in London on the 6th and 7th July 1991 .
21 It will be held in London or Birmingham after next week .
22 The next international meeting on endothelins will be held in London in two years ' time .
23 The journal will be launched at a major conference to be held in London next January .
24 In preparation for this a UK CIME Day will be held in London on the 15th March and details will soon be available from PA .
25 That same year , 1950 , a great congress for young Salvationists from all round the world was to be held in London .
26 we never dreamed that we would get through to the next round , to be held in London .
27 The Indian ocean workshop is to be held in London in December 1987 and is to concentrate on the demand for slaves in the ‘ East ’ , the financing of the trade , the ‘ middle passage ’ , and the conditions of slave gathering in Africa .
28 On May 8 the government announced that prior to the " joint peace forum " to be held in London , the Ethiopian government would implement the Shengo ( parliament ) resolution by setting up a peace commission to negotiate with " all opposition and pro-unity forces " .
29 On May 15 the US-mediated peace talks which ( since May 9 ) had been scheduled to be held in London on May 20 , were postponed until one week later .
30 It is anticipated that a series of meetings will be held in London and on circuit to explain future developments .
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