Example sentences of "[be] make with [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Cotton paper used to be made with cotton rags but is now made from cotton linters , which refers to the second harvest from the cotton plant .
2 As straight tank connector ( d ) , but allows connection to be made with pipe running at right angles .
3 Some comparison will also be made with Paris and Bonn .
4 But there is a deeper issue : ‘ market demand for housing was not and probably can not ( emphasis added ) be estimated in an area and over time ; this precludes its incorporation into structure plans and prevents any meaningful quantitative comparisons to be made with plan figures . ’
5 The IAFC is currently considering what payment arrangements might best be made with solicitors where non-assigned Counsel is used .
6 It is unclear at this stage if direct comparison can be made with Behrensmeyer 's weathering categories , applied as they are to large mammal weathering in tropical climates , but as a provisional estimate these changes will be attributed to her stage 2 .
7 For instance , Swordfish Pilaki could easily be made with halibut or cod and the Tuna Tortiglioni could be made with any other fish or indeed some ham cut into pieces .
8 Estimates of the useful lives of plant and equipment can not be made with precision and in practice a range of lives exist .
9 a concentrated effort will be made with departments to encourage further involvement of employer partners as guest lecturers ; in the process of course development ; in selection of staff .
10 This instructive leaflet also supplies three recipes for fondue , one to be made with Emmental , one with Comté , one with Beaufort .
11 The research will allow contact to be made with researchers into dialect and education in other European countries .
12 Moreover , buckminsterfullerene can be made with metal ions incorporated in its interior ; the internal cavities of small fullerenes are too small to hold metal ions .
13 Contact will be made with Baberton Golf Club and the Cleansing Department .
14 If you ca n't get chick peas , the same sort of salad can be made with haricot beans .
15 Such a comparison must be made with caution , however , as some early counts of large numbers were made from boats some way off shore , for example by E. T. Booth ; similar data for recent years are not available .
16 It is not closely related to those fish who pioneered the land , so any comparisons with them have to be made with caution , but even so it can give us a hint about how that momentous move was accomplished .
17 As well as strengthening this connection , it is hoped that other links can be made with US buyers during the trade show .
18 At their cheapest video links can be made with £35,000 of equipment and twice the cost of a phone call .
19 In the absence of such a process , one prediction can be made with confidence : we shall again lose the opportunity to learn from inevitable problems of implementing complex organisational reform in the public sector .
20 However , the boast of British literary artistic freedom can not be made with confidence , given a vague law and a swinging moral pendulum .
21 The deed required on the creation of debenture stock may be a deed poll executed by the company alone , but it is now invariable practice for the deed to be made with trustees .
22 And if the dialogue is to be experienced with vividness and flow , these inferences about language role have to be made with accuracy and ease .
23 Prefabricated units are not necessarily of the shape or length desired and , when something special is needed , the waterfall can be made with concrete , although some suppliers suggest that a presentable feature can be constructed using a pool liner .
24 A contrast might also be made with section 5 , which penalises ‘ display ’ only .
25 A second hand television and radio gifted to the club requires an aerial so contact will be made with G. Lightheart .
26 A second hand television and radio gifted to the club requires an aerial so contact will be made with G. Lightheart .
27 The point we wish to make here should be an obvious one and can of course be made with respect to many of the other items which we have not italicised in the cited texts .
28 In so far as the question before us is concerned , no distinction can be made with respect to the proprietary and governmental capacities of a city .
29 A similar point can be made with respect to voters who , despite what some economists might like to think , will have views beyond the fate of major economic indicators and will be concerned about the conduct of foreign and domestic policy at large .
30 Contractual arrangements should be made with respect to freelance workers and the ownership of the copyright in anything they produce .
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