Example sentences of "[be] on the way " in BNC.

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1 However , the Lions believe British Isles rugby to be on the way up after their win in Australia and at least feel they have something to prove .
2 Amstrad was a weak market , falling 3.5p to 62.5p on worries that even more profit downgradings could be on the way .
3 The focus here will be on the way gender structures routine police duties , with more general issues concerning women in the RUC being developed elsewhere .
4 A second revolution may well be on the way in Nicaragua , but one not to the liking of the FSLN .
5 A second revolution may well be on the way in Nicaragua , but one not to the liking of the FSLN .
6 A heavy punishment could be on the way .
7 If he can convince the 19m north-easterners that he and his recently formed New Aspiration Party will give them a better deal , and he manages to form an electoral pact with the honest and popular governor of Bangkok , he could be on the way to becoming Thailand 's next prime minister .
8 Other government ministers may be on the way out .
9 While , as the chart shows , the money-centre ones appear in the autumn of 1990 to have touched bottom and to be on the way up again .
10 It appeared that , without changes in policy , Britain would be on the way to racial suicide .
11 More environmentally sensitive areas could be on the way — if agriculture minister John Gummer can persuade the Treasury to give him the cash
12 If pupils at school could study , say , chemistry , physics , and philosophy ; or mathematics , music , and philosophy , would they not be on the way to acquiring just that theoretical , critical , and general expertise that is needed ?
13 The old man could be on the way out , and anyone on the way out is inevitably a centre for drama .
14 Indurain looked the master of his former captain , Pedro Delgado , who won the Tour in 1988 , faltered since that victory but may be on the way back to the top .
15 But changes could be on the way .
16 PAINT could be on the way out as a way of marking lines on roads .
17 MOUTHFULS of metal may be on the way out .
18 Franco Ferrero wishes to apologize for the delay in sending out his Kayak & Mountain brochure but by now it should be on the way to all who requested it .
19 It may be difficult to open up at first , but when you do you 'll be on the way to overcoming the traumas of the past and rebuilding your self-esteem .
20 As no children seem to be on the way , the doctor recommends that the couple make love from 10.30 to 11.30 in the morning and 2.30 to 5 in the afternoon , as well as in the evening , a situation that causes Alfredo to break out in a rash .
21 START spreading the news — a little Cruiser may be on the way .
22 He must be on the way down .
23 After five years ' work , Olivier was certain of only two things : that the population , even at the highest estimate , was by no means enough to ensure the eventual survival of the species ; and that the figures henceforward would be on the way down rather than up .
25 The case was so complicated that it has already generated at least two books ( Crouch and Marquart 1989 , Martin and Ekland-Olson 1987 ) and more might be on the way .
26 Some media at any moment might be on the way in ; others on the way out .
27 With Hewlett-Packard Co heading for $18,800m turnover this year and Fujitsu Ltd at around the $26,000m mark , while Digital Equipment Corp looks hopefully to Alpha to rocket it off its $14,000m-a-year launchpad , the contenders to take over leadership of the mainstream computer industry from IBM Corp are lining up — and a major new round of mergers and acquisitions could be on the way .
28 Changes may be on the way however .
29 They seem to be on the way to finding what they need .
30 ( Incidentally , the time-honoured use of faecal/urine egg counts to assess infection intensities may be on the way out ; many groups are now planning to use circulating adult antigen to provide specific information on worm burdens . )
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