Example sentences of "[be] made by an " in BNC.

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1 Application may be made by an ASW or nearest relative although the draft code of practice ( Department of Health , 1989 ) states the former should apply whenever possible .
2 Complaint may be made by an individual or by a body of persons , for example a residents association and should be directed in writing to an M.P .
3 According to the UN Charter , ‘ Decisions of the Security Council on all other matters shall be made by an affirmative vote of nine members , including the concurring votes of the permanent members ; provided that , in decisions under Chapter VI , and under paragraph 3 of Article 52 , a party to a dispute shall abstain from voting . ’
4 Application for an IVA may be made by an undischarged bankrupt or , more likely , by a person who , being insolvent , would be able to petition for his or her own bankruptcy .
5 An entry can not be made by an instrument used to make an entry such as a key or piece of wire used to pull back internal bolts .
6 Here two doctors must support the application to be made by an approved social worker or nearest relative .
7 Any unusual features should be noted and the response to them should be made by an appropriately qualified and experienced person .
8 That is precisely the calculation that would be made by an MP elected under the STV .
9 He had been successful ‘ beyond his expectations ’ , and was now the proud possessor of the most ‘ glorious haul ’ yet to be made by an ornithologist in the field .
10 Second , the political and strategic decisions of this global alliance had to be made by an organization that included French representation and did not reserve a monopoly of decision-making to the United States .
11 Secondly , should the determination be made by an expert or by an arbitrator ?
12 Disclosure may be made by an agent .
13 ( 3 ) The announcement of an offer must only be made by an offeror after the most careful and responsible consideration and when the offeror has every reason to believe that he can and will continue to be able to implement the offer ( eg he has the money ) .
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