Example sentences of "[be] made by the " in BNC.

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1 protests can not be made by the contestant involved .
2 Accordingly , having regard to maintaining the doctor 's primary duty , a Family Practitioners ' Committee is entitled to impose conditions limiting the number of visits per 1,000 patients which might be made by the deputising service , so as to prevent excessive use being made of a deputising service .
3 A sharp note has come home informing me that the costume must be made by the child .
4 In both cases a site visit will usually be made by the inspector , so he or she can see the property , usually accompanied by the appellant and the council .
5 ALLEGATIONS that the Department of Trade and Industry may have lost the taxpayer millions of pounds over the sale of the Rover Group to British Aerospace are to be made by the National Audit Office , Parliament 's financial watchdog .
6 Appointments to the ruling body will be made by the ITC , and will require government approval .
7 Appointments to the ruling body will be made by the ITC , and will require government approval .
8 The appeal , to be made by the Umalah ( Muslim clergy ) next Friday in Britain 's 1,000 mosques , comes after a period of relative quiet among campaigners and is being interpreted as a shift towards Mr Rushdie 's more vigorous opponents , including Dr Kalim Siddiqui .
9 Thorneycroft insisted , like Sandys before him over the TSR 2 , that economies should be made by the Navy and RAF using the same airframe for their future supersonic fighter , but he was equally unsuccessful : the requirements for the two environments were far too far apart .
10 In practice the situation is not quite so simple , and many measurements and checks must be made by the TL scientist , only a few of which will be mentioned here .
11 The final choice — which will be worth thousands of pounds to one manufacturer — will be made by the Royal Yachting Association next month .
12 Flights are planned many months in advance , but alteration to these may be made by the IATA scheduling committee which regulates the movements of all international air traffic .
13 The application would be made by the Head of the Security Services to either the Minister of the Interior or the Minister of Defence .
14 Its principal avowed aim was to give legislative form to the decision , contrary to the recommendation of the Law Commission , 46 and thereby allow the parties in these ‘ tragic cases ’ the dignity of a decree of nullity so that , if thought fit , provision for ancillary relief could be made by the court , and the unsavoury examination of their sexuality , rendered necessary if the only recourse were a declaration of status , could be avoided .
15 It has a strong emphasis on specific objectives ( related to a number of vocational choices to be made by the students themselves ) , to cross-curricular skills and to profile-reporting on progress .
16 Chapman told them it was not a decision that could be made by the club .
17 A literature search has to be made by the learner , who then makes an assessment of the particular problem .
18 Templates may be made by the teacher for outlines which are repeatedly used , e.g. the human body and its organs .
19 If their application is successful they will be asked by the University to provide details as required by DENI , and nominations will then be made by the University to DENI by the end of June of the proposed year of entry to the University .
20 Letting someone else decide — most often manifest in people applying for a wide range of jobs perhaps with little in , because they are unable to decide which is most appropriate for them and hoping that somehow the right choice will be made by the employers themselves .
21 The EC-listed company must make a public announcement about the acquisition or disposal in all member states where its shares are listed within ten calendar days , although member states can require disclosure to be made by the competent authority rather than the EC-listed company itself .
22 And it certainly means that any debate will have to be open , and not tied to deals between politicians : the decision must , ultimately , be made by the people by referendum .
23 ‘ It is a decision that has to be made by the International Cricket Council and , under their rules , I am basically not allowed to say anything , ’ he said .
24 If the lease concerned was one of up to 50 years , and the premium was assessable on the vendor under the Sch A provisions within ss 34–39 , ICTA 1988 , then an equivalent tax claim may be made by the ultimate lessee company within s 87(9) , ICTA 1988 .
25 If the passenger is not in possession of a licence , but states he is the holder of the necessary licence , further enquiries will be made by the police officer to ascertain whether or not he is a duly licensed driver .
26 ‘ Do n't talk , Will , there 's too much work , six pairs of shoes to be made by the weekend !
27 When an aircraft design has evolved significantly , a critical assessment should be made by the certification authority in association with the manufacturer as to the validity of extrapolation of the original design data when applied to a developed aircraft variant .
28 Decisions must be made by the methodical application of rules to particular cases , not upon any private motivations .
29 A final decision on Piggott 's Derby mount is likely to be made by the weekend .
30 Separate accounts would be opened for the members of the party ( rooms 507–510 ) for any extra charges they would incur and settlement of these accounts would be made by the individuals .
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