Example sentences of "[be] made on [art] " in BNC.

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1 Automatic prescan of data follows for the summary screen , and calculations can be made on a range .
2 Labour 's change of policy on the European Community puts it in a strong position to argue that economic and industrial decisions are increasingly likely to be made on a European basis and it is essential that Britain plays a more constructive role .
3 These coins give no immediate clues as to their place of minting or indeed their date , for similar coinage in the name of Alexander continued to be made on a large scale for about a hundred years after his death .
4 for under LMS a series of major decisions will have to be made on a regular basis .
5 All applications for a change of course or units of study must be made on a Student Record Amendment Form obtainable from your Faculty/Campus Administrative Office .
6 A small field effect transistor , thermistor for temperature measurement and a reference cell are mounted in the tip of the probe and accurate measurements can be made on a single drop of sample .
7 The claims will be made on a quarterly basis similar to that applied in accounting for ACT .
8 These claims , for accounting periods beginning on or after 2 October 1992 , may be made on a quarterly basis similar to that currently used in accounting for franked payments/ — investment income and interest paid/received under deduction of income tax .
9 An Enduring Power of Attorney has to be made on a special form and you should seek legal advice before making one .
10 What is the highest score to be made on a side 's second innings ?
11 Economists tend to shy away from equity as a goal , in the belief that if transfers are desirable they should be made on a lump sum or income taxation basis rather than being piecemeal on particular goods .
12 However that may be , Mr. Hughes engaged the appellant to sort out a year 's tax against payment to be made on a monthly basis .
13 Contracts would be made on a competitive basis with the hospital providing the ‘ best buy ’ .
14 Decisions , then , should be made on a much more impressionistic basis ( intuition mixed with analysis of a few alternatives ) , provided that the actions taken do not offend the organization 's ideologies .
15 Visits of Clerk of Works Visits will be made on a request basis .
16 Both Britain and France found difficulty in obtaining sufficient volunteers for their fleets , partly because the wages they offered their sailors compared very poorly with what could be obtained by service on a merchantman , and still more so with what might be made on a successful privateer .
17 Visits of Clerk of Works Visits will be made on a request basis .
18 The user can also specify retrievals to be made on a range of values , for example , all tuples where the salary is greater than 10000 and also use ANDs , ORs and so on .
19 No because section fifty four A and all section fifty four A says is that a decision should be made on a planning application , in accordance with the development plan .
20 Payment is to be made on a cash on delivery basis .
21 The equivalent of each ‘ response ’ expected from each menu must be entered as there are no defaults ; each entry must be made on a separate line .
22 A like order may be made on a counterclaim .
23 There 's one further search that should be made on a purchase or mortgage of unregistered land : if the seller or mortgagor is a limited company , which acquired the land before 1 January 1970 , search the Companies Register to ascertain whether any puisne mortgage ( ie a mortgage not protected by the deposit with the lender of the title deeds , such as a second mortgage ) is noted in its register of charges .
24 In general terms , heavier impacts may be made on the body because of the muscular ‘ padding ’ available .
25 At the end of the four and half hour inquest the cricket sub-committee was asked to re-define the role of captain and chief coach , to consider whether it required a team manger and ordered to report back on 28 November when , presumably , a decision will also be made on the captaincy for next season .
26 For the purchaser moving into a new area , invaluable comments can be made on the property 's location and any unfavourable matters which may adversely affect the value now or in the future .
27 Whether or not to select a model with sloping sides or vertical ones should be made on the basis of the types of crops you intend to grow .
28 Too much expenditure is involved for decisions to be made on the basis of the influence or favour of suppliers ' representatives .
29 Elimination may be made on the following basis .
30 In principle , the allocation must be made on the basis of relative priority .
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