Example sentences of "[be] made on [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This assignment also needs to be made on system reboot — see Section 1.5.1 , SYSTARTUP_V5.COM , for details .
2 This means that a necessary emphasis has to be made on respectability , hard work , thrift and respect for law , so that marginalisation can become extended into criminalisation .
3 Under these difficult conditions , some firm decisions had to be made on cost savings , both with regard to investment and labour .
4 If in the opinion of the court a summons for recovery of land can not be served in accordance with Ord 7 , rr 4 – 10 , an order may be made on request in N 220 for service on the husband or wife of the defendant , a person living with but not married to the defendant , or upon anyone who is or appears to be authorised by the defendant to reside or carry on business in the premises , to manage them or to safeguard or deal with the premises or contents thereof ( Ord 7 , r 15(1) — ( 3 ) ) .
5 The accounts for each subsidiary undertaking shall be prepared on the same basis as those for the company or such adjustments shall be made on consolidation to amend the accounts of each subsidiary undertaking to be equivalent to accounts prepared on such a basis .
6 The accounts for each subsidiary undertaking shall be prepared on the same basis as those for the company or such adjustments shall be made on consolidation to amend the accounts of each subsidiary undertaking to be equivalent to accounts prepared on such a basis .
7 Cellnet claims that saving of up to 40 per cent can be made on call costs .
8 It estimated that up to 10,000,000 people would have to be moved from low-lying coastal areas of East Anglia ( UK ) , Bangladesh and the Netherlands , or that an immediate start would have to be made on building 360,000 km of sea defences to protect them .
9 Regular checks have to be made on milk from local dairy farms , as well as grass and crops , even fish and seaweed if the station is situated by the sea .
10 This amounts to a portfolio or collection of possibilities ranked on an agreed basis to enable decisions to be made on allocation of resources .
11 It is likely that the NAAS appointment will be made on Grade A , but , exceptionally , will be made on Grade B.
12 It is likely that the NAAS appointment will be made on Grade A , but , exceptionally , will be made on Grade B.
13 Judgments will be made on human remains , associated funerary objects , unassociated funerary materials ( typically associated with funerary remains , but not clearly from graves ) , as well as ‘ cultural patrimony ’ ( communally owned objects , that therefore could never have been legally sold ) , and religious objects ( necessary for ongoing practice of religious ritual ) .
14 The new student does not perform to audiences immediately , and the first term 's production project will probably only be attended by staff teaching voice , movement and acting to enable individual assessments to be made on training .
15 One snag is that some statistical tests , especially calculations of sample error , can not be made on quota sampling because they are not based on random sampling .
16 The criteria for an Order for Consolidation , which may be made on application or by the court , are the same as for joinder of parties , viz a common question of law or fact , the relief sought arises out of the same transaction , or , " it is desirable " for " some other reason " .
17 Additionally , where sums in excess of £1,000 are involved , reference to arbitration may be made on application in the request or particulars of claim , the defence or counterclaim , or an application under Ord 13 , r 1 ( Ord 19 , r 2(1) , and ( 2 ) ) .
18 Such an order may be made on application on notice by any party before the hearing under Ord 13 , r 1 ; or on application by any party at the hearing ; or at any stage of the proceedings by the court of its own motion ( Ord 19 , r 7 ) .
19 The planning authority has to assess the amount of land required for mineral working , and this requires an assessment of the future demand likely to be made on production in its area .
20 The constitution guarantees federal payments , but that does not mean they have to be made on time .
21 Adam Swannson , the senior partner of the haulage firm , confirmed these deliveries would be made on time , provided that he could subcontract the Belfast delivery .
22 Payment should of course be made on time .
23 However , s 2(8) did not apply to information provided under s 236 of the Insolvency Act 1986 , and it was argued on Mr Naviede 's behalf that disclosure of the transcript to the SFO should only be made on condition that it was not used in evidence .
24 It is now 4 years since I gave my first remedy in an LM potency and it has become my preferred method of prescribing for a number of reasons 1 ) No decision has to be made on potency level i.e. whether 6 , 30 , 200 , etc is indicated .
25 The Common Law rule was partly destroyed by the Companies Acts , and , under the Corporate Bodies ’ Contracts Act 1960 , contracts can now be made on behalf of all corporations in the same way as between private persons .
26 No such claim for completeness could be made on behalf of the Keynesian model since its raison d'être was the abandonment of the enabling assumption of full employment in order to explain the phenomenon of general unemployment .
27 However , we reserve the right for repayment to be made on demand by us at any time .
28 The second comment to be made on section 5 is that subsection ( 5 ) , in allowing financial restitution to be substituted in certain circumstances for restitution in specie , indicates that , in general , restitution in specie is contemplated .
29 An application for initial registration by a foreign lawyer should be made on Form FLR1 .
30 Any application for change of name should be made on form FLRA .
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