Example sentences of "[be] made [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 Yet it is rare for them to be made to take the responsibility for it .
2 If it is not possible to do this , various additions can be made to kill the growth , but , unless dosing is maintained over the growing period ( usually May , June , and July in the U.K. ) , the algae can return .
3 Irrespective of whether the loan proposal is made by a government , state enterprise or private corporation , an appraisal of the economic and political situation of the borrower 's country must be made to assess the risk involved .
4 Additionally , some effort will be made to assess the impact of the change on the approaches adopted by managers of passenger transport undertakings .
5 " How strange it is , " mused Fleury , feeling the futility of everything yet at the same time enjoying the feeling , " that these millions of wings , with all their wonderful machinery of nerves and muscles , should be made to serve the purpose of a single flight .
6 No attempt should be made to allocate the proceeds of the instrument between that which relates to the liability and any other element .
7 Most families have packed their bags , ready to evacuate their homes , although officials say every effort will be made to save the village .
8 He added that two or three state industries would be privatized and that efforts would be made to streamline the administration of the rest , making them self-financing .
9 Once this is done , attempts can be made to curb the body 's tendency to destroy its own betacells , using immunosuppressive drugs .
10 Proposals for private motorised travel were , on the other hand , very different , for this mode was seen to be at the root of many of the traffic and environmental problems of the experimental areas and so every effort was to be made to curb the excesses of its use .
11 Consequently efforts must be made to tackle the problem at its source by aiming to improve the truth value of the police findings themselves .
12 Where decisions could be made to use a fixed-term contract to cover a vacancy , the decision could instead be made to fill the post on a permanent basis .
13 For example , the placing of the head : a dynamic , powerful man should be made to fill the canvas , whereas children 's heads are better placed low on the canvas .
14 No attempt is to be made to harvest the timber in the area to be flooded .
15 However , a case can be made to support the view that both perspectives are ideologically based .
16 Lees ( FoE ) said that countries should be made to restore the damaged environment to an acceptable state through practical action and if the country refused to do this only then should financial penalties by imposed .
17 The first is that little attempt seems to be made to monitor the leisure time of children , particularly in the evenings .
18 In education two new city technology colleges were announced and attempts were to be made to extend the system of ‘ compacts ’ between business , schools and colleges.under which all pupils/students are guaranteed jobs with local firms when they leave school .
19 The George sits just yards from a conservation area , and tonight , when Stroud Council Planning Committee meets , an attempt will be made to extend the zone to include the hotel .
20 As song as you look after them , heavy soils will never let you down in a drought , will be naturally fertile and can be made to suit the widest range of plants .
21 There was little doubt among those concerned that through education youth could be made to exhibit the appropriate values .
22 Arrangements will need to be made to enable the index and the file to be kept up-to-date .
23 Rather , it seems preferable that , in making a general assessment of the quality of life of a particular old person , some attempt be made to examine the negative and positive aspects of the relationships which they presently experience .
24 Since national expenditure reached 14 per cent of the prewar level in the first three-quarters of 1922 , huge currency issues had to be made to bridge the gap between income and expenditure .
25 Will he therefore liaise with his colleagues in the Department of the Environment so that a joint effort can be made to give the law the rigour to prohibit the illegal occupation of public and private land by traveller families ?
26 WACC 's work in this area has now been resumed and greater efforts have to be made to popularise the most important findings .
27 General Alexander and his troops carried out a magnificent fighting retreat and held up the Japanese advance until the rains broke , thus saving four months ' valuable time in which preparations could be made to repel the Japs if they attempted to invade India .
28 In his attempt to determine whether the methods and concepts of ecology and physical geography can contribute effectively to analysis of urban issues in the context of the city as an integrated open system of living things interacting with their physical environment , Douglas ( 1981 ) argues that an attempt must be made to link the city as a habitat or an ecosystem with the city as a social system and he develops an ecosystem approach to the study of cities .
29 Here some effort will be made to explore the theoretical significance of the commonly-experienced phenomenon of hearing a voice and knowing that it is familiar but not knowing to whom it belongs .
30 Opposite : The restrictions on the blue-cars of Lytham St. Annes in Blackpool meant that considerable efforts had to be made to advertise the line .
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