Example sentences of "[be] used at a " in BNC.

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1 Obviously you can not know in advance which type of mat will be used at a particular tournament , so you should do your final training on any type of mat , just to get used to the feel , and then try to use any free time you may have on the actual competition areas to get a little practice in beforehand .
2 The important point is that it should be used at a time when for some reason pressure is to be taken off members of the class — putting them in what is virtually a ‘ spectator ’ role can give them time to recover from what had perhaps been inadequate non-projected work .
3 Storage of transparencies allows them to be used at a later date , therefore time spent in careful production is time well used .
4 The control was actually mounted where it is in anticipation that the unit might be used at a fixed voltage output for a particular purpose .
5 This may be used at a variety of levels of sophistication and economic generality , thus : 5.3 i ) Models at company level may be based on econometric equations for instance to analyse the relationship between price and demand , perhaps using the model .
6 Two main types : ( i ) Operations Research models , which are an abstraction of real systems or processes which are used to represent the basic variable and constant features of the reality , so that its behaviour or process can be explored , explained and simulated ; ( ii ) Macroeconomic and econometric models which may be used at a company level , or at a more general industry or economy level .
7 It is well recognised that managing software is difficult because it is in essence a control problem , posing questions such as which particular versions of software items should be used at a particular stage of a project for a particular purpose , or what software should be issued to whom , and when .
8 Casual labour can be used at a cheaper rate than postmen on overtime .
9 It might be held so that this currency in turn could be used at a later date to make foreign purchases of goods or services , a method often used to hedge exchange risk .
10 The designer is thus able to generate functional data which can be used at an early design stage to evaluate dynamic performance , wear , fatigue , etc , in addition to the positional data .
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