Example sentences of "[be] used for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But for N. lapillus , which does not grow as an adult ( p. 307 ) , this could only be used for immatures .
2 A significant proportion of this sum will be used for clean-up operations required under the terms of the Antarctic Treaty signed in Madrid in 1991 .
3 Agreed out of court after lengthy judicial hearings , the settlement included ( i ) a US$100,000,000 criminal fine ( the highest levied against a polluter ) , set after Exxon pleaded guilty to charges of criminal misdemeanour ; and ( ii ) $900,000,000 in civil damages , to be administered by a board of Alaska state and US federal officials , to be used for cleanup operations along the Alaska shoreline over the next decade .
4 The tablet is orange flavoured , sugar free and chewable so it is suitable for children , although it should not be used for infants under 2 years of age .
5 The medium in its various colours could be used for cloisonné work or painted thinly on metal surfaces .
6 But the Italian form has a better flavour , and is to be preferred to the British native , though that can still be used for cooking .
7 Instead of trying to produce a completed picture , the pastels would be used for colour notes , in a very loose , sketchy fashion .
8 The company is currently debt-free with a cash reserve of $31m , some of which will be used for acquisitions .
9 School librarians can also use programs such as Dbase 2 which is a flexible database management package which can be used for acquisitions and other purposes .
10 Jacquard : The option that is used for designing patterns that are to be used for double-bed , two-colour work and very similar to the Fair Isle option .
11 ‘ It can also be used for adults who have tumours putting pressure on the audiological part of the brain and can indicate the presence of other illnesses such as multiple sclerosis . ’
12 The samples are likely to be used for DNA analysis , the so-called genetic fingerprint test
13 Techniques will vary according to whether the aid is to be used for distance work , but the following elements should be included in training a child to use a low vision aid .
14 The 1s level binding energies of elements increase roughly as Z , the nuclear charge , and can of course only be used for elements lighter than that used in the X-ray source .
15 Many schools have furniture which can be used for play outside and children will often supplement this with improvised ‘ furniture ’ from cardboard boxes , for instance .
16 There are various methods which can be used for computer files ( see box ‘ Getting quarts into pint pots ’ ) .
17 Prof Anderson said : ‘ We believe that initially about 90 per cent of sewage will be used for landfill and the rest for fertiliser , but these figures will be reversed as more farmers and forestry organisations make use of sludge . ’
18 The purpose of making notes is primarily to set out , in a shortened but logical form , information that you have gathered from a variety of sources on a particular topic so that it can be used for revision purposes and as an aid to memory .
19 They spouted the need for hard line , no compromise , battle tactics and urged for the medium of roack/pop music to be used for propaganda purposes .
20 The juice from this residue , called the taille , is the poorest in terms of quality which may be used for Champagne .
21 The same technique can be used for projections though this reintroduces some of the disadvantages — notably the bulk — of CRTs .
22 The procedure assigns the weighting between the top and bottom halves , saves a set of measures to be used for reference and initialises the fields norm , max , min , subjMeas of the sub-records top , btm .
23 Clearly , if the demised property ceases to be used for trading , the landlord 's income will drop or possibly cease .
24 This was a country where only 3% of the land could be used for agriculture but where farmers received considerable financial assistance from the government to ensure that rural communities continued to be viable .
25 In Cornwall , some of the most intractable of wastes can be used for agriculture , for ornamental gardens and playing fields , or be converted to semi-natural habitat , as woodland or heath .
26 It is intended that the reclaimed land should be used for agriculture , as opposed to its present use as seasonal cattle ranching .
27 With the right accessories it can also be used for metal filing , wood and plastic rasping , and for brushing !
28 The same technique can be used for foot in foot the bill and red in red hair , although perhaps marginally less convincingly .
29 Suggestions are presented for the symbols to be used for interlayer spacings , and thicknesses of intercalated layers etc .
30 The instrument would be used for rehearsals for the festival of new musicals and would be fully insured by Buxton Opera House .
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