Example sentences of "[be] so small [conj] " in BNC.

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1 What 's more , this would be so small that it would behave much like a neutralised proton , or ‘ neutron ’ .
2 If a family held a small amount of land and was in a village with a large number of households , its strips could be so small and scattered that too much time was spent in travelling between strips .
3 Nevertheless , a new home should n't be so small as to rule out the possibilities of shared living again one day .
4 The deaf community will soon be so small as to make considerations of BSL or signing irrelevant to education .
5 As a result it was accepted by the 1630s that English colonies could take most decisions for themselves , and this meant they developed the institutions which , over the course of time , grew in a way that enabled them to become self-governing and then independent by stages which could be so small as sometimes to be imperceptible .
6 A survival of Second Empire technology could be so small as to be incapable of spreading its influence , or the science could have survived but not the necessary manufacturing techniques for its propagation .
7 The nett magnetic effect from contra-rotating magnetic fields can be so small as to get buried in noise .
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