Example sentences of "[that] during [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The economist John Maynard Keynes advocated just such an approach in the Thirties , arguing that during a recession it made sense because there were idle resources available .
2 The mere replacement of productive capacity means in reality , however , that during a depression there will be an increase in the demand for consumer goods .
3 It was significant that during a press conference called on 18 May 1960 Khrushchev not only denounced Eisenhower but also asserted the importance of the Cuban revolution , which had suddenly become the subject of enthusiastic and laudatory articles in the Soviet press .
4 They show an African head and the story behind these is that during a battle in the 15th century , when all the Pucci adults were killed , an African slave hid a baby of the family under her garments and fled via an underground passage , thus saving the Pucci line and earning herself a place in the family 's heraldry .
5 Donlevy ‘ lorded it over everybody else ’ and exasperated Ray Milland so much that during a fencing sequence , Milland aimed for an unpadded spot on Donlevy , managing to draw blood .
6 Reports were cited to the effect that during a visit to Argentina in January 1981 the Egyptian Foreign Minister handed the Argentine President , Videla , a message from President Carter proposing the creation of a South Atlantic Alliance of the NATO type involving Egypt .
7 So it was that during a week long break from filming Neighbours in October 1987 Kylie boarded an airliner and left the sweltering sunshine of Melbourne for the cold and rain of an English autumn .
8 She did , however , give him occasional cause for jealousy : a lover 's tiff nearly broke their engagement when Constanze indiscreetly confessed that during a game she had let another young man measure her calves .
9 It may seem odd that during a period of so much innovation and advancement in photographic technology that a film developer formulated in 1891 should still be so popular today over 100 years on .
10 It seems that during a period of good relations between the Spaniards and the native Indians , the cacique of one local tribe had become blood-brother to Balboa , and had actually persuaded the Spaniard to help him prosecute a local war .
11 We have seen that during a period of twenty years between the wars , town planning in Britain consolidated its position in local authority practice , consultant advocacy and professional solidarity , though little was achieved by way of addition to intellectual content or method .
12 The smell of antiseptic , and the helpless waiting , brought back powerful memories of the visitors ' room two years ago , where the doctor had come to break the mind-numbing news that during a routine operation to remove her appendix her mother had died of heart failure .
13 The complainant , a partner in a small practice from south of Manchester , said that during a meeting one of the company 's representatives , Mr Hoy , effectively said that the Institute was satisfied with Channel 7 's marketing approach from an ethical point of view .
14 Ethiopian radio reported that during a ceremony in the office of President Meles , Carter had said that he was ready to make his own contribution to convince the World Bank , the IMF and other international organizations " to take part in the country 's economic reconstruction " .
15 Sometimes it would happen that during a lecture — at that time the secret police were very active — there would be a knock at the door and two men would enter .
16 The Middle East International of Nov. 23 reported that during an address to the Knesset foreign affairs and defence committee on Nov. 19 , Shamir had specifically linked the territories with the need for space to absorb immigrants from the Soviet Union .
17 This gives me the terrible dichotomy of knowing that during the stalking season I would dearly love to ruin the day for the fat boors crawling all over Scotland , puffing in their tweeds , but I would hate to disturb Ted and his colleagues at their job , which pays their grocery bills and is their only source of income .
18 Their influence is such that during the stalking season vast areas of Scotland are closed off to hillwalkers .
19 He strove through all his waking hours to impose a smartness and snap on Camp 3 , Zone I , that he knew had never been present before , and that during the night hours when he was alone he doubted he would ever achieve .
20 As I got nearer the Porsche I saw that during the night someone had taken a sharp instrument to the bodywork .
21 The negative heuristic of a programme is the demand that during the development of the programme the hard core is to remain unmodified and intact .
22 It was alleged that during the incident , at which more police arrived , a black woman was assaulted .
23 ‘ I only know that during the half-hour or so I sat staring through the top windows of the tram , I saw nothing , not one single thing , that could possibly raise a man 's spirits .
24 Little wonder then that during the build-up to her wedding she invited her former teacher Wendy Mitchell and pianist Lily Snipp to Buckingham Palace so that she could have dancing lessons .
25 I thank the Minister for that answer and the confirmation that during the Government 's tenure the burden has been placed firmly on the shoulders of those who are least able to bear it .
26 In contrast to the traditional liberal view , they have suggested that during the revolution the masses acted upon the political leaders as much as they were acted upon by them .
27 Would my right honourable friend confirm that the former director of G C H Q , Sir Brian Tovey , stated that during the imposition of martial law in Warsaw and during the Soviet anva invasion of Afghanistan some ten thousand hours of cover were lost at G C H Q. And will he not confirm that is a perfectly good reason for the ban on external er interference by trade unions in the activities of G C H Q and will he also assure the house that the existing trade assoc the staff association works perfectly well and there is no reason whatever for an external trade union to interfere in G C H Q's affairs .
28 Rowel suggested that during the tour opposition players had breached the fine line between rucking and stamping .
29 Recent work published in Science ( 1992 , 255 , 952 ) shows that during the south polar spring of 1990 there was a 6–12 per cent reduction in photosynthesis by phytoplankton as the ozone layer thinned : such inhibition is an effect of UVB radiation .
30 A disciplinary panel imposed the ban on all the club 's senior players after a hearing earlier this week was told that during the Division IV match , two Cumbernauld players had been sent off .
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