Example sentences of "[that] it seem [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He went on to say that it seemed prudent to classify all non-accidental injuries to young children as ‘ high risk ’ cases , since 80% of all children unlawfully killed by their parents had been previously abused .
2 ‘ I wanted to be a primary teacher , and you have to teach so many different things at that level that it seemed better to study a broader range of subjects , ’ she says .
3 He felt himself to be so uneducated that it seemed hopeless even to try to catch up with the ordinary things that people knew .
4 To be sure , the great apes behave so intelligently and have such a rich social life that it seemed extraordinary to many people that they could not learn to speak .
5 Since the Great War , 1914–18 , it has been practiced by wage-earners , suffering from long periods of unemployment and underemployment , so drastic that it seemed abject folly to produce children who could neither be adequately nourished nor sufficiently educated to secure a satisfactory livelihood .
6 We voted against it on the ground that it seemed absurd to respond to a crisis in the beef sector simply by throwing yet more money into a system which has not been reformed .
7 There was so much snow that it seemed impossible that this was not the natural surface of the earth .
8 The early evening sun was warm on her face and the sky so clear and calm that it seemed impossible so beautiful a world could be at war ; that small , beautiful world that was Yeoman 's Lane , and Tingle 's Wood , through which it ran .
9 But that had been seven months ago , a chill morning in mid-February , when the bushes which screened the canal walk from the neighbouring council estate had been tangled thickets of lifeless thorn ; when the branches of the ash trees had been black with buds so tight that it seemed impossible they could ever crack into greenness ; and the thin denuded wands of willow , drooping over the canal , had cut delicate feathers on the quickening stream .
10 Its population was expanding so fast that it seemed impossible that food production could keep pace with it .
11 She loved him , so much that it seemed impossible that she had lived her life this long without him , impossible that he could n't know it from her response .
12 I he scene was so magical , so stunning , that it seemed surreal .
13 So all she could report was that it seemed dark and cruiser-shaped .
14 No disrespect to Philip Young , the conductor , or to any of the performers , but I have to agree with the member of the audience sitting behind me who commented that it seemed more of a damp squib than a big band !
15 Cardiff had supervised the clearance of the office block , noting wryly that it seemed easier to clear everyone out than it had been to get his original team established .
16 We had such happy family holidays in the drizzle waiting for the sun to try and come out that it seemed churlish to spoil things with science .
17 She smiled at him a little wildly , not knowing what to say except that it seemed best to keep on talking .
18 He always used to speak so bitterly about his experiences as a monk that it seemed bizarre to think of him working alongside them at Hurstdown .
19 It struck him that it seemed weird that Leeds rejected continuous bids from Blackburn all through the season and then suddenly , out of the blue , accepted one .
20 So much had happened that it seemed incredible that it was barely a week since she 'd crossed the bridge in the opposite direction .
21 The room , painted a white so fresh that it seemed pale blue , was cool and soothing .
22 It was against this background , namely that it seemed preposterous to suppose that a.b could ever be other than equal to b.a in any consistent algebraic setting , that Hamilton looked for more than 10 years for an extension of complex numbers suitable for application to the physics of 3-dimensional space .
23 And the weather outside sounded so bad that it seemed wise to stay as she was a little longer .
24 The Bishop told clergy late last month and before Tony 's death , that it seemed likely that permission given by the Law Lords to stop feeding Tony would soon be acted upon :
25 Alexandra took the small soft hand in hers and thought that it seemed smaller than ever , frailer , more insubstantial .
26 SO impressive has been Wigan 's play of late that it seems reasonable to conclude that the transitional period from the control of Graham Lowe to that of John Monie is complete .
27 Grazing by molluscs figured so strongly among the hazards to a clover leaf that it seems reasonable to expect that , in those years when slugs or snails were abundant , they may act as important selective forces within clover populations .
28 It will be based in two contrasting urban regions , in that it seems reasonable to expect wide local and regional variations in established working practices and in the pattern of inter-agency linkages .
29 I think he 's fit to go and he 's so unhappy that it seems unkind to keep him caged up .
30 We find it difficult to know how to obtain samples of families with recent baptisms , so we enlist the help of some local clergy who are interested , and we find that it seems simpler to restrict ourselves to baptism within the Anglican Church , since other baptisms in nonconformist churches and chapels suggest that the parents are of some definite religious following .
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