Example sentences of "[be] [adj] the [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 What 's abhorrent one week will be funny the next .
2 But when you first started when you 're not quite sure what 's happening you ca n't be expected to be perfect the first time you have a go at something can you .
3 It may be alarmed the first time a bit is put in its mouth , or saddle is put on its back , or it 's girthed up , or mounted , but this anxiety can be ‘ undone ’ or prevented altogether by making sure that the horse is not hurt and by rewarding the horse at the same time .
4 Exporters seem to be unaware the first 15 boxes on the consignment note should be completed by them .
5 But of course if salaries go up evenly throughout a forty year lifespan and the Chairman is given a forty year lifespan which is quite or pension lifespan which is quite a suitable one , if salaries go up and someone leaves their company every ten years , then the first three departures are obviously going to be at much lower salary levels and it 's not going to be satisfactory the first three departures are just index linked to inflation , there is the problem of how does one index link them towards the final salary .
6 On the same evening he had been admitted to hospital with heart trouble , but although his condition was reported to be good the next day , he did not withdraw his candidacy .
7 A far narrower range of beliefs are attributable to the dog , specifically those that hark back to what we could immediately read off from similar behaviour in the case of a human being ; thus the dog believes his master is at the door but it would be a false move in the game also to ask if it believed that its master would be late the next day .
8 Although two injections a day may be desirable the next question is whether it is possible .
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