Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] [adv] as " in BNC.

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1 Purchase behaviour will , again , be altered so as to come into line with the customary behaviour of the reference group .
2 which established that in the absence of a prohibition in the memorandum , the articles could be altered so as to authorise such an issue .
3 The paragraph should , in my judgment , be amended so as to make clear that what is being sought is an order for steps to be taken restoring all the parties to the respective transactions to their former position .
4 Congress alone has the power to decide whether the present laws can or can not be amended so as to carry out more effectively the objects of law .
5 Sylvia would be acknowledged to be Burkett 's daughter , she would perform some small chores , but chiefly be explained away as evidence of Hope 's goodness of heart in giving his ‘ man 's ’ daughter the chance of a change of air .
6 A few borings indicating greater thicknesses might be explained away as going diagonally through detritus on the outer flank of the reef , but there are now too many for one to conclude that the results can be explained in this way .
7 Similarly arable farmer is no doubt to be explained historically as derived from the term arable farm ( in which we see an ascriptive adjective ) by means of an agentive suffix .
8 Are there any features of the modern jury that can be explained only as historical survivals , which are out of place in modern society , or has the jury been so adapted that it is a truly modern institution ? ’
9 Such claims , which would be dismissed today as unscientific , were taken seriously in the past even by the great , who were no less willing than the humble to accept as true what brought them comfort .
10 Thus the pleasures of heroin can be dismissed summarily as counting against , rather than for , the action of taking heroin , if we can say that it is a highly impure pleasure ( liable to lead to much wretchedness later ) .
11 The management of investment needs to be optimised so as to deliver a fully commercial return .
12 Obviously , this source of information needs to be examined carefully as each manufacturer is attempting to sell its own particular product .
13 Huy allowed a beaker to be filled so as not to transgress the etiquette of hospitality , but he did not propose to drink any wine .
14 The women can be listed exhaustively as ten bridesmaids , a woman searching for a lost coin , a widow seeking justice , and a handful of unspecified wives , mothers and daughters mentioned in general terms .
15 After all , how else can alignments of physical objects be calculated so as to lie along propitious meridians , save by reference to more fixed and less mutable properties of the earth ?
16 " A money award can be calculated so as to make good a financial loss " : per Lord Morris in West v Shephard [ 1964 ] AC at p345 .
17 The crane ratchets of the later arrivals could still be heard clearly as their crews outramped , and rising bow waves could be spotted as an occasional laggard powered upstream to its proper place in the echelon .
18 Clubs will now be registered specifically as road clubs , cross-country clubs , track and field , or as a combination , and they 'll pay fees accordingly .
19 I can not imagine how it could be revised so as to be suitable for publication anywhere .
20 Testing will be revised so as to add less to teachers ' workloads .
21 A boundary extension would require new electoral boundaries and these could not easily be adjusted so as to retain Unionist minority control .
22 The mode of operation can be adjusted so as to produce a high content of aromatic ( benzene-like ) molecules which give the product its characteristically high octane number .
23 and it is usually necessary to remove it by flocculation with alum or alum with sodium aluminate , followed by filtration ; the final pH should be adjusted so as to be close to neutrality on the alkaline side .
24 When at last a reluctant taker was found he asked to be recalled almost as soon as he had arrived at his post .
25 Several operations have been cancelled at the John Radcliffe Hospital today … and more may be stopped tomorrow as staff struggle to cope with a sudden influx of emergency patients … officials say there is no single cause for the sudden rise in admissions …
26 It follows that the alternative models presented in this Lecture should not necessarily be regarded either as fully satisfactory or as exhausting those that could be advanced .
27 In theory the whole of the extra cost to the innocent partners could be recouped from the individual responsible for the negligence , but in practice in most firms this would be regarded phlegmatically as just another expense of the business to be shared by all .
28 How many can be regarded merely as affecting the objects in which the estate is now held to consist ( this is what the words permutatum dominium convey ) ?
29 The reason is that such certificates might be regarded abroad as given after an official check of records .
30 The letters should be sufficiently large and should be placed so as to cater for patients with poor vision .
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