Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] up for " in BNC.

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1 He never intended that his shares should be given up for no payment .
2 Also the larger tablets can be broken up for small fish .
3 They must never be broken up for short-term gain .
4 If you are able to find a literary agent who will take on your work , the process of having it looked at by publishers will be speeded up for you .
5 But they may be booked up for Christmas day .
6 At least 33 shows have been cancelled and the music hall will be boarded up for good within three months , Palladium officials said .
7 She believes Jack was probably rounded up off the moors by a dealer who intended to sell him to be fattened up for slaughter.He has now joined hundreds of other animals at the centre who have been rescued .
8 The adviser can only hope that if the client was put at her ease while at the bureau then she may come back for further help when that issue could be picked up for suitable referral .
9 This fish has now been imported for over two years and when first appeared its price was in the second-mortgage league , but now has dropped considerably and can be picked up for between £30–£50 .
10 In Britain , those from the late Fifties and Sixties fetch about Pounds 1 , while pre-war badges can usually be picked up for a few pounds .
11 The provision of copied material is expensive in resources and in time , but can facilitate work for pupils who have problems with distance vision , and a bank of basic material can be built up for future as well as current usage .
12 Accurate pictures could now be built up for the first time as to how tigers spent their day , how often they killed , their associations with other tigers and how the young animals found and established their own home ranges .
13 Once a shape has been generated , however , it can be plotted at any position and in any orientation or size so a library of shapes can be built up for repeated use .
14 A resource box can be built up for each history unit .
15 Time will put everything right , unkind words , ill-judged behaviour — stupidity , cruelty , it can all be made up for , cancelled out later .
16 Flower arrangers can test their skills by submitting designs for that posy , and colleagues will choose the winning entry to be made up for 2 July .
17 But the development of a child 's body and mind in the first three years of life is absolutely vital — any stunting of growth in these years can not be made up for in later life .
18 Erm oh well maybe yours can be saved up for another time ?
19 I wan na be moved up for one that 's science .
20 Libraries in general have an image of unparticularized worthiness and sobriety , and many young librarians have an admirable messianic zeal about them , a firm belief that what their library has is good for people and that membership lists and issue figures must be pushed up for their own sake .
21 Similar ideas for features , visits and events could be thought up for the remaining areas .
22 Such group-frequency correlations have been extensively developed for organic compounds , and similar correlations can be drawn up for inorganic species [ 19 ] .
23 Three year rolling service agreements are to be drawn up for the other directors and senior employees as set out in Appendix II .
24 Environmental commissioner Ioannis Paleokrassas announced that a special committee had been set up to carry out impact assessments on the application of regional and structural funds , and that a timetable would be drawn up for the implementation of the " Fifth Action programme for the environment " — a legislative framework for the future .
25 However , the recommendations of its members have indicated that the way will be opened up for the abandonment of most restrictions .
26 Thereafter it should be opened up for general discussion .
27 At a frank meeting with the above , at which this community 's concerns were forcefully put , it was agreed that work would halt during our community festival and that the area would be cleaned up for the festival .
28 The funding up by 14pc on this year will enable 495 acres of derelict land to be cleaned up for industrial , commercial , housing and leisure development .
29 She heard mention of six months ' imprisonment , and was terrified that she 'd be locked up for doing nothing .
30 As my friend David Jessel has pointed out , even if 99 per cent of all criminal convictions are correct , that still leaves in a prison population of 40,000 some 400 who have no business being there ; and I can not imagine any experience more demoralizing than to be locked up for years for a crime one did n't commit .
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