Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] every [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The date stamp must be altered every day , as the Post Office will not accept pre- or post-dated mail .
2 Employees should be given every opportunity to acquire a stake in the business for which they work .
3 Moreover , as patrons or practitioners of the arts and as future adult learners in all spheres of life , pupils should be given every opportunity to become familiar with — and derive pleasure and understanding from — the widest possible range of oral presentations : from plays , films and broadcasting to debates and public lectures .
4 In this situation the next-of-kin really is in a state of total shock and incapable of cogent thought and should therefore be given every opportunity to express whatever grief is felt that will help to assuage their loss .
5 The following resolution passed by the Bournemouth Congress in 1971 also illustrates this new mood : This Congress demands according to the rights of citizenship in a democratic society : a ) That whenever legislation is proposed concerning the deaf , the deaf themselves as represented by the British Deaf Association should have full consultation and adequate participation at all levels ; b ) That in the implementation of all such legislation the deaf should be given every opportunity for active participation ; c ) That there should be adequate representation by deaf persons on governing bodies of all Associations and schools concerned with the welfare , employment and education of the deaf .
6 If someone is to be tried for matters as serious as those for which Mr. Beck was tried and to receive the condign punishment that Mr. Beck received , it is essential that he should have a fair trial and that he should be given every opportunity to deploy his defence .
7 We offer good promotion prospects and you will be given every opportunity to make your career progress .
8 The safety aspect must be given every consideration .
9 Neither Richard Gough nor Ian Ferguson was included in yesterday 's Scotland squad because of their injury difficulties and Roxburgh 's comment on the rest was that Rangers , in keeping with other clubs , would be given every consideration because of the nature of their programme .
10 Oh yes , at that particular time , I will tell you that once again er , that was er I was supposed to go for an interview and this was er for the er declaration of intent of , wh which was er supposed to er supposed to be given every year to both the Lothian Regional Council and the District .
11 You are sure to be given every help by your firm . ’
12 The president must be given every assistance — political and economic — to cement democracy and make his gamble pay off .
13 While the formalities are being dealt with , relatives should be given every comfort and assistance if they seek it .
14 There is no insistence from management that a certain proportion of tickets be given every shift , so his behaviour was more a result of the way that he defined the role of neighbourhood policemen as having crime control responsibilities .
15 The bearer of this document , Agatha de Courcy , must be given every aid and assistance for what she has done has been done for the sake of the Crown and the good of our realm . ’
16 Could my Noble Friend give an assurance that if these schools wish to take advantage of the new legislation and to opt into grant maintained status , they 'll be given every encouragement ?
17 This meant that Blake was allocated a special cell which was changed at irregular intervals , that had to be examined every day , and Blake and the cell completely searched at least once a fortnight .
18 You are to double the guards : and all the gardeners and weeders are to be examined every day .
19 Out in the auditorium everything has to be checked every day for safety and there 's a non-stop maintenance programme because the show must always go on .
20 BRAKES should be checked every time before you ride .
21 Patients would still need to be treated every month .
22 About 350,000 tonnes of limestone will be carried every year .
23 About 9,000 tonnes of limestone would be carried every week .
24 No that that would be they 'd be expected Every person would have I imagine they would al well everybody had a white sheet just for this .
25 The Paasche index is more expensive to compute than the Laspeyres index because the weights need to be re-estimated every period .
26 Come Hell or high water , the Met observations had to be made every hour , on the hour , and the show must go on .
27 Is it not time that the Government got off their behinds and made it compulsory for a payment to be made every year to every senior citizen in this land ?
28 The Medau Society has opened a fund in memory of Beryl and a donation will be made every year to Macmillan Cancer Relief .
29 Hemlines were up and tunes like the ‘ Black Bottom ’ and the ‘ Charleston ’ were part of a new sense of freedom that could be seen every night in Glasgow at over 50 ‘ Palais de Danse ’ .
30 Seb had stopped taking Gloria out and was to be seen every night with the rest of his team running in shorts and a singlet round the Greycoats ' playing field , being timed by old Plumpton .
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