Example sentences of "[be] [adv] in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Previously you could ask someone to type up first draft , second draft , maybe a third draft , but how far can you drive your secretary , and now they can be wholly in charge of this — they can change the layout of it as much as the words within it ; they can ask colleagues to come in and comment and even add a little bit .
2 Previously you could ask someone to type up first draft , second draft , maybe a third draft , but how far can you drive your secretary — and now they can be wholly in charge of this .
3 The compass had to be somewhere in sight of that arrow .
4 You will realise that words of comfort like this can solve no problems for her ; they can do no more than bathe the wound she has sustained , but she will be badly in need of something to cling on to and because they are spoken by someone who loves her they may be exactly what she wants to hear when she is trying to reassemble herself and face the future .
5 She may also be helped to understand that if she is willing to try to spread the love she once gave to one person around to others who may be badly in need of it , she will move into an entirely different dimension emotionally : one that will provide her with new satisfactions and in which she will discover that the lovers of this world are not only those who enjoy a close and exclusive relationship .
6 ‘ However , in the meantime I 'm going to be badly in need of some professional help , ’ Laura told him urgently .
7 In most cases their advice will either be right in law or be in an area where the courts will wish to leave alone the exercise of the visitor 's discretion .
8 Persistent aggression is a deviation not only from social convention , but from the way people ‘ naturally ’ are , since the mind is thought to be properly in control of the soul ( cf.
9 All this adds to the difficulty of bereavement service organizers in reaching out to those who may be most in need of the care that can be offered .
10 It is assumed that so-called reminder treatments act in some way to increase the likelihood that associations ( especially weak ones that will be most in need of such help ) will be effective in generating overt conditioned responding , then the pattern of results observed can be accommodated .
11 It may mean providing services , such as education or a health service , which are available to all , or the home help service , which is available to those judged to be most in need of it .
12 He had heard that Camilla Welmsley would be all in white , something fluffy and revealing , but with black lipstick .
13 I think though er , they 're encouraging people to be constantly in debt because there are some people , indeed a lot of these people have bought their home like
14 The opportunities for road racing in Britain are so frequent that you can be constantly in danger of taking on too many .
15 Man-made environments can be extremely rich in species — partly because , like this chestnut coppice , they may be constantly in transition .
16 His remarks brought to mind a particularly tough circuit-training class , Terry 's Power Hour , that used to be much in vogue at Battersea 's Metropolitan Club .
17 The photocopier might be much in use , the typewriters less so .
18 Moreover , the arrival of COSHH laws means that this type of engineering solution to contamination problems is soon likely to be much in demand .
19 Lance-Corporal John Shaw ( 1789–1815 ) , a prize-fighter whose magnificent physique caused him to be much in demand as an artist 's model .
20 The experience and resilience of such nurses will be much in demand , not necessarily solely at the qualified nurse level , as the reforms of nursing education begin to be implemented in the early 1990s ( see chapter 5 ) .
21 His new novel , The Hammer of God ( Gollancz , £15.99 ) , is essentially an expanded short story , and although I suspect it will not perform as well as the Rama series , it will still be much in demand .
22 Despite the closure of several malt distilleries , such as Glenury-Royal , Inverleven , Littlemill and soon Rosebank , the BES directors take the view that five years from now their spirit will be much in demand in popular blends .
23 He found this to be so in relation to line editor , amendment routines and dose codes .
24 He could expect fawning adoration wherever he went — surely he could n't be so in need of blanket adulation that one heretic in the court could upset him ?
25 Similar diagrams to show the periods of flourishing of various natural groups were used by Richard Owen , Darwin 's chief adversary in England ; illustrations which look Darwinian may not be so in fact , but merely indicate that contemporaries were all wrestling with similar problems , and were sharing a good many assumptions .
26 Yet this ‘ floating value ’ might never have settled on their land , and obviously the aggregate of the values claimed by the individual owners is likely to be greatly in excess of a total valuation of all pieces of land .
27 The cumulative value of transactions covered by a set of standard terms may be greatly in excess of the value of any individual conveyancing transaction and , although it may be possible to amend the terms for future transactions if problems emerge in use , once the terms have been incorporated into a particular contract , unlike a pleading , there is no chance to amend them for the purposes of that contract .
28 The Shah shared much of Behbehanians suspicion of the British , But now in Aswan , he did not seem to be greatly in favour of Behbehanians suggestion that he throw himself in their mercy .
29 It was essential ‘ that the Chief Officer should be entirely in sympathy with these aims ’ .
30 One might suppose that Heatley said very little , that Chain was excited , and that Florey 's reported comment ‘ it looks quite promising ’ would be entirely in character' .
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