Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [adj] for " in BNC.

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1 The MasPar Prism compression system will be offered on a range of configurations priced from $250,000 to $1.5m and will be commercially available for end-users and system integrators in the third quarter .
2 However , if your customers are well spread and the write-off of a couple of the larger ones would n't cause too much trouble then credit insurance may not be commercially viable for you .
3 Clearly the presentation of the winding-up petition is a prima facie indication of a company 's insolvency and it would therefore be wholly inequitable for one creditor to be entitled to enforce his debt to the detriment of the other creditors .
4 They will be wholly ineffective for this purpose if the patient is incapable of understanding them , they are not explained to him and there is no good evidence ( apart from the patient 's signature ) that he had that understanding and fully appreciated the significance of signing it .
5 At the back of the room , solitary now , and perfectly prepared to be wholly bored for the next hour ( or was it two ? ) sat Mr Aldrich .
6 I wish to be wholly responsible for my acts , to be master of my fate ; I shall make my own choice of ends , distance myself from my own reactions and learn to manipulate them like external events .
7 This , however , proved to be wholly inappropriate for Wellcome 's needs , largely due to the fact that GIS had a big effect on the system response times and that the amount of report formatting which was required proved to be unmanageable for on-line GIS .
8 It was generally agreed that the costs of cutting emissions would be economically impossible for them .
9 In the north , where the cloud has become more broken , it will be locally misty for a while .
10 ‘ Would n't a corpse be rather embarrassing for you ? ’
11 The investigation of this issue is quite problematic since it would obviously be rather awkward for a sociologist to hang around lots of families with a stop-watch !
12 The member stiffened , then edged away in a fading mum-ble : ‘ Well , I suppose things must be rather trying for you , what with … ’
13 The fact is , as we shall see , that different media do tend to be rather better for different things — you can not get a lot of information into a 30-second TV commercial , for example .
14 Would n't that be rather dangerous for you ? ’
15 ‘ That must be rather frustrating for you , ’ said Melissa politely .
16 This we think we can discount for a number of reasons : first , the magnitude of the risk aversion would need to be rather large for the result ( that an increase in a is good ) to be reversed ( particularly when the reservation value is generally above the mean price ) ; second , subjects were paid proportionately to their total profits over 16 decision periods ( 32 decisions ) so that any risk aversion would already have been significantly averaged out ; third , the subjects appeared to be trying to make as much money out of the experiment as possible ( implying that they were behaving in a risk-neutral fashion ) ; fourth , the majority of the responses to two questions on the questionnaire indicated risk-neutrality .
17 I may be rather naïve for the big city , but I 'm learning fast .
18 The positive and negative externalities which have been identified thus far are likely to be rather different for research activities ( i.e. those concerned with the production of new information ) than they are for development activities ( i.e. those concerned with embodying new information into particular products ) , and they may change systematically over the life of any given collaborative programme .
19 And it must be intensely annoying for my friends .
20 TOPR is fine but only for those who can afford to be effectively unemployed for several months .
21 However , this dilemma creates a potential tension in the user/carer-practitioner relationship and it may be professionally difficult for the practitioner to contemplate raising expectations which are unlikely to be met .
22 It would be professionally improper for them to interest themselves in the social or leisure activities of their pupils ; and it would be unsuitable to their professionalism if they were involved in purely supervisory or ancillary duties , which are carried out , where necessary , by unqualified assistants .
23 What will be the effect upon the providers of those services who will have to be professionally responsible for decisions made upon inaccurate or incomplete information ?
24 However , any new European Central Bank must be properly accountable for its overall policy .
25 Although much research is underway throughout the world , it is unlikely that any effective vaccine will be widely available for another 10 years at the earliest .
26 It is also intended that the finished corpus should be widely available for linguistic research .
27 Although a new report has been able to identify the gene defect ( mutation , deletion , or insertion ) in 53/79 cases , these tests are unlikely to be widely available for some years and are very labour intensive .
28 Unfortunately , at the present time , little is known about the kinds of adult language which may be most helpful for children who experience different forms of language impairment .
29 For desk lighting , provision of an individual lamp can be most helpful for those who are visually handicapped , although the availability of power points in the classroom may cause problems .
30 To talk about when th when worship would be most helpful for them to be hol to be held .
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