Example sentences of "[be] [verb] what the " in BNC.

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1 It also remains to be seen what the Halls can do to reduce the club 's debts of £6.5m .
2 He 'd planned to storm up to General Kopyion and demand to be told what the Justice Police were doing to prevent further bloodshed .
3 Right and they 'll be told what the clue is .
4 Someone who put £50,000 into his licensed dealer 's portfolio , and who let it be churned around ad infinitum , was likely to be testing what the firm would do with it .
5 The owner of Redi-Hot , who seemed to spend most of his time reading a guide book , told Mr and Mrs Wordmaster , who looked suitably impressed , that Thunder Bay , one of Canada 's largest ports , was at the far west end of the St Lawrence-Great Lakes seaway and should really be called what the locals called it , The Lakehead .
6 I hope we will borrow very modestly , it 'll be affordable , we 're not reckless , we 'll be doing what the majority of people in this country do , borrow within their limits for the things that they need for the future such as a home , or a car , something like that .
7 that , that there are others equally we say that we women to determine what happens to their own bodies and their destiny is for them , I respect that view too but in those circumstances you do n't resolve problems by the majority whatever it happens to be determining what the minority will do .
8 Every analysis is also to some extent an interpretation ; so if for example you choose to summarise a narrative , you will , by selection and emphasis , be interpreting what the most important incidents and characters are .
9 It was clear to me that his own personal preoccupations , such as had been conveyed to me by Father D'Arcy and hinted at by others , had cut him off from the workings of certain institutions — his unawareness of Collingwood 's preferment was a case in point — and again he wanted to be informed what the young were thinking .
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