Example sentences of "[be] [verb] the most " in BNC.

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1 Or , in an established school where they may not be using the most effective language teaching methods .
2 The reforming jurists , on the other hand , saw punishment as a procedure for requalifying individuals as subjects , as juridical subjects ; it uses not marks , but signs , coded sets of representations , which would be given the most rapid circulation and the most general acceptance possible by citizens witnessing the scene of punishment .
3 Young as she was , these might be considered the most revealing political acts of her life .
4 The import of the Mallion lines could be considered the most beneficial thing that had happened so far in the breed .
5 In what must be considered the most serious theft from a country house since the loss of the Beit Collection paintings from Russborough , Co .
6 Incitement to non-thought , conversion to blind belief , will be considered the most antisocial of all crimes .
7 To the failure of politics and tactics must be added the most serious shortcoming of all : the absence of a defensible strategy for lifting the British economy out of its present crisis .
8 For example , the managers in most authorities trust their clinical staff to be applying the most appropriate treatment technologies , either in their day-to-day practice , or in submitting bids for the development of clinical services .
9 In normal circumstances this would not have mattered , but at the time Rhodesia was meant to be enduring the most severe and effective economic sanctions , particularly with regard to the supply of oil .
10 The third example in our selected group , if the case is proven , must be reckoned the most precious .
11 By any standards , the insect body must be reckoned the most successful of all the solutions to the problems of living on the surface of the earth .
12 If stationary men would pay more attention to the districts on which they reside … from such materials might be drawn the most complete county histories .
13 It was therefore of benefit to any individual worker to have their job analysed by an expert and be shown the most efficient way to do it .
14 I also say , with tongue in cheek , that the Harris 1,000-Plan should be dubbed the most outrageous confidence trick of the entire war .
15 I can be doing the most mundane of tasks , and quite suddenly I 'm in another place , with different people . "
16 Of the two houses , Sotheby 's seems to be suffering the most .
17 It is proposed in this plan to lay down all the streets , squares , spaces , courts , lanes , yards , passages , fields , gardens , etc. , etc. , in such a manner as to express the exact dimensions of every regularly bounded plot of land in the township of Manchester and Salford , that will fall within that square which shall be judged the most proper to encompass it .
18 If the GATT talks fail , those EC industries which are already internationally competitive and world leaders will be penalised the most .
19 American congressmen will soon be debating the most radical financial reform that country has contemplated since the 1930s , one that could change the links between finance and industry by ending the old separation between commercial and investment banks , and by allowing industrial firms to own banks .
20 The problem seems to be choosing the most appropriate activity or organisation , as both George and Molly feel they have a lot to offer the community .
21 You could be very happy if you are not putting your enjoyment in second place or you could be making the most enormous compromises because you lack the courage to go alone on the sort of holiday that you would really enjoy .
22 The aim at all times should be to have the most accurate estimate of the final cost .
23 ‘ In only three hours I will be delivering the most difficult speech of my life .
24 It might be thought that such tenets were unambiguous enough in a democracy to be assured the most rigorous defence .
25 A competitive process , I have said , proceeds because participants are engaged in an incessant race to get or to keep ahead of one another ( where , as always , ‘ to be ahead ’ means ‘ to be offering the most attractive opportunities to other market participants ’ .
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