Example sentences of "[be] [verb] in [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 The first kinase to be implicated in LTP was the Ca 2+ /phospholipid-dependent protein kinase ( PKC ) r78–80 .
2 Why should the expression of these carbonhydrate antigens in biliary epithelium be altered in PSC ?
3 The memory loss we all begin to experience with age may result from a similar impairment of the cholinergic system , which may also be altered in Alzheimer 's disease .
4 Another of these stray Carthaginians who wandered between Greece and Rome in the second century B.C. is probably to be recognized in Procles , son of Eucrates , a Carthaginian , whom Pausanias quotes twice .
5 The distinctive style of the modeller James Shruder , who was in his employment in 1751 and sorted out his estate , can be recognized in De Lamerie 's output from the 1730s , as can that of Charles Frederick Kandler I.
6 The Alliance is confident that existing Czech software legislation will be amended in June , with new laws being based on the recommendations of European Community directives .
7 Many of the best women tennis players from home and abroad will be competing in Swindon for the next 7 days .
8 TEAMS will be competing in Cleveland county stadium 's first ever It 's a Knockout event on Mothers ' Day .
9 BRITAIN 'S TOP international riders will be competing in Yorkshire in one of their last outings before the Barcelona Olympics .
10 The remark was tinged with the suggestion that she would like a witness , apart from Marshall whom she could reasonably assume to be biased in Wickham 's favour .
11 But then , Nikos was himself a Copt and , yes , under an obligation to Andrus ; might not he be biased in Andrus 's favour ?
12 MEPs are to be lobbied in Brussels on Friday and approaches will be made to leading shareholders in DAF , including British Aerospace , which has an 11 per cent stake in the company .
13 This can be undertaken in Britain or abroad .
14 Intensive social ecological studies will particularly be undertaken in Cameroon 's Korup National Park and the results compared with those already collected for the Gola Forest Reserve in Sierra Leone .
15 Projects will be undertaken in Derry , Belfast , Fermanagh , Donaghadee and Comber , including the building of outdoor play areas , erection of a fence at a charity 's headquarters and the conversion of an old barn into an educational room .
16 A case study will be undertaken in Nottingham to build on existing research .
17 The kadis of Mecca from , for example , 953/1546–7 to 971/1564 can be traced in Ata'i : all are Ottoman scholars who had previously held the kadilik of Damascus , Aleppo or Baghdad , the holder in 963/1556 being Molla Amir Hasan b .
18 And their misery was complete when Mike Marsh became their third player to be dismissed in Europe this season .
19 Judgment was reserved , and will be given in Manchester .
20 The US première will be given in Chicago in October .
21 It is extraordinary that it took so long for the importance of this to be realised in Britain .
22 Should the artist win approval for his project this April or May , it is conceivable that ‘ Wrapped Reichstag ’ might be realised in August or September 1994 .
23 I remind him that the applicant arrived in the United Kingdom on 23 September 1990 on a flight from Lagos , Nigeria , using a false passport , and claimed that he would be persecuted in Zaire
24 The Company 's registered office is to be situated in England and Wales .
25 The Company 's registered office is to be situated in England and Wales .
26 It was implied , rightly as it happened , that such a policy was unlikely to be acceptable to the National Government and that a broad alliance must be formed in Britain to replace the Chamberlain administration .
27 The first adult sports clubs to be formed in England were Derby Deaf and Dumb Cricket and Football Club and Manchester Deaf and Dumb Sports Club , both in 1876 ( Manchester 's first sport was rugby union ) .
28 As a result the Labour Spain Committee had to be formed in March 1937 to fight the battle for the rejection of non-intervention within the Labour Party .
29 The European Monetary Institute , which would be formed in January 1994 at the start of " stage two " of the Delors EMU plan [ see p. 36598 ] as a precursor to the fully-fledged European Central Bank , would have a fully supranational character and an independent president .
30 You will be examined in Perth , with a view to preferring formal charges .
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