Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Here your lines should be fine , light and crisp and areas of colour must be blended carefully for a smooth result .
2 A mixture of clay and graphite are used for these pencils which produces an extremely soft dense black mark which can be blended further with water .
3 Shiseido has increased the proportion of the moisturising ingredient hyaluronic acid in the Matte Red Lipstick to give a velvety texture , and the three-sided Black Variations Shadow Liner is as soft as charcoal so that it can be blended all over the eyelid or gently smudged as a liner .
4 If they seem to be drawing close to us , we shall kill your niece without hesitation . ’
5 Since their savings were completely liquid ( ie , they could be withdrawn immediately from banks ) , they were equivalent to cash .
6 Hungary 's Prime Minister , Miklós Németh , told parliament on Jan. 23 that in recent conversations with his Soviet counterpart , Nikolai Ryzhkov , it had been agreed in principle that Soviet troops could be withdrawn completely from Hungary , and that negotiations on a timetable would begin shortly .
7 BR warned that fares on Network SouthEast , where grants will be withdrawn altogether by 1992/93 , would rise in real terms by 2 ½ per cent over inflation for the next five years .
8 Since money is less likely to be withdrawn quickly from time accounts , banks may feel the need to hold less liquidity , and therefore may decide to increase credit , thus expanding the money supply .
9 His stubborn cousin , who saw his models as a kind of earth , part of the body and blood of the soil they dug , one impregnating the other , failed to see how the interchange he saw stamped on the dazed faces of these men could be smoothed away without losing the secret of how they lived , rooted and dumb and rough-barked as live willow trees .
10 The problem of computer-related crime will be highlighted today in the Law Commission 's report on Computer Misuse .
11 His experience will be highlighted tonight in a probe into cash machines by ITV 's This Week programme .
12 Your hands will now be resting lightly over your ribs .
13 Most educated people in this country now believe , in a vague sort of way , that we ought to be less sexually prudish than the Victorians are alleged to have been , and that sexual morality should be guarded rather by example and exhortation than by penal sanctions .
14 Now the pathology is by a chief information and i in fact , the chief information could be provoked merely by the presence of organisms .
15 Endometriosis may be diagnosed late in women using intrauterine devices as pain and bleeding occur with both .
16 Reducing the aperture is known as ‘ stopping down ’ , exposure can be altered both by altering exposure time or size of aperture , e.g. an exposure 1/50th second at f/8 is equivalent to one of 1/100th second at f5.6 .
17 It is only because the different elements in the limb have their own positional identity that their pattern and form can be altered independently during evolution .
18 This means that in a playing situation , if the patch has , say , too much or too little delay , it can be altered simply by turning the control .
19 The fresh supply of specialists pouring out each year can be altered only by restructuring American medical education , but the intensity of services provided by existing specialists could be altered by any of the strategies described — practice guidelines , global budgets , or managed competition .
20 The intellectual principles which were common to the broad formation — open rational inquiry , the development of morality through education , opposition to oppression and to arbitrary laws — were specifically composed into novels which integrated individual lives and social and moral circumstances by a new formal integration of ‘ character ’ and ‘ plot ’ , with the founding assumption that character and action grew together out of circumstances and could be altered only by their general alteration .
21 The civil service provides its staff with fewer incentives to encourage efficiency than in the private sector ( where bonus , commissions , ‘ perks ’ etc. are often widespread ) , a position unlikely to be altered much by limited experimentation with merit pay and the like .
22 Problems in personal relationships are unlikely to be altered directly by medication .
23 The page number will be incremented automatically for you .
24 In favourable cases the latter may each be recognized embryologically by the presence of ( i ) a pair of hollow mesodermal somites , ( ii ) paired neuromeres ( embryonic ganglia ) , and ( iii ) paired appendages .
25 This combination of specimens could be recognized either by grouping them into a single genus or into a tribe , and on present evidence I favour the latter alternative and suggest the Afropithecini as a suitable name .
26 It can be recognized even in such an extreme case as enjoyment of sinking into sleep .
27 It can be amended even in a way not covered under the Bill 's title if the amendment is connected with the Bill 's purpose .
28 In all these cases catalogues can be amended simply by a general notice explaining that the groups of materials have been moved to remote storage .
29 The difference between the two countries is that the formal wording of the United States Constitution can be amended only by an extraordinary process , i.e. , one that goes beyond the provisions employed for amending the ordinary law .
30 Cica will not be competing directly with top-of-the-range brands such as Reebok and Nike as it will not ‘ be making specific performance claims ’ and will be ‘ better value for money ’ , says Linford .
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