Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [art] [adj -est] " in BNC.

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1 If further size analysis is to be undertaken the best procedure is to use two identical sub-samples .
2 It is this sense which seems to be given the clearest possible confirmation in those moments of the portrait of the artist , where the brooding Stephen , Stephen Daedalus , suddenly emerges from his vigilance in a lightening display of strength .
3 Er so I would regard this impo this criterion as critical very er it should be given the greatest of weight and erm must be left in .
4 Powerfully supported in West Germany by leading academic figures such as Professor Ingolf Lamprecht , Head of Freie University 's Institute of Biophysics in Berlin , and in Canada by Professor James Webb of Victoria University 's Department of Biophysics , to name only two , his work has been described as being of prophetic insight , incredibly productive and important and the most significant breakthrough in the field of cancer research today , one which should be given the highest priority in terms of social worth , funding and exposure by the media , as such discoveries can literally usher in a new science for the benefit of all humanity .
5 Resolution 44/141 resolved that action against drugs should be given the highest priority by the international community , and that the UN should be the " main focus " for this collective responsibility .
6 I think the A sixty four north has should be given the highest score and I think that 's not not a view , that 's also the view of the County Planning Officer at the time of the report .
7 At this vulnerable stage of their lives , they must be given the best possible food — a balanced diet including fresh vegetables , fruit , grains , fish and meat . ’
8 This would give Royalbion world-wide publicity and Sir Bryan had decreed that the foreign media should be given the best that Britain could provide .
9 If any strange event were to take place , the Bill would be given the quickest journey through the House and , I hope , through the other place .
10 The Principal wrote in November 1967 that the only recourse was ‘ to ensure that every possible safeguard should be written into the constitution of such a scheme ’ , and following local negotiations he considered that ‘ we have gone as far as we are able so far to safeguard the courses and attitudes of this College and we have confidence that the LEA are making every effort to ensure that Diploma in Art and Design ( DipAD ) courses and developments will be given the fullest support , and will not be undermined in any way by the Polytechnic proposals ’ .
11 But nobody can argue that boxers should not be given the fullest possible information on the long-term risks they run .
12 A laborious internal review of the Long-Term Costing is undertaken to whittle down the gap , and to highlight vulnerable programmes so that the Secretary of State can be given the strongest possible brief to help him fight for a higher allocation of resources ; and conversely to enable him to fend off attacks by other high-spending ministers , who are intent on grabbing a larger share for themselves , often at the expense of Defence .
13 No one in the shipping office must be given the slightest idea that we suspect anything out of the ordinary at all . "
14 Since Constanze had very little money , it was recommended that Mozart 's corpse be given the cheapest available funeral .
15 or , John ( fl. 1480–1500 ) , church composer and musician , Of his biography virtually nothing is known , and of his works few survive ; and yet , in the quality of his accomplishment he may be considered the greatest English composer of the period between John Dunstable ( d .
16 The music of two short pastorales which have some claim to be considered the earliest true operas in French has been lost .
17 A prime minister might generally be considered the best candidate , but not if he has been dubbed ‘ the butcher of Beijing ’ .
18 The EEB declaration makes it clear that European environment groups ‘ believe that when decisions are taken on the respective competence of the Community , Member States and regional and local government in actions to protect the environment , the overriding objective must be to secure the highest quality of life for the Community 's citizens .
19 Unfortunately , Windows applications do n't tidy up after themselves when removed , so in this month 's Steps , I 'll be explaining the cleanest way to remove an application from Windows .
20 Your most important task will be to reach the best possible balance of livestock , grazing , and arable to suit your land potential .
21 How can the Prime Minister claim to be seeking the best deal for Britain when he is determined to get the worst conditions for British workers ?
22 That is to say , the initiatives that are under way , far from alleviating concerns repeatedly expressed over the years , appear to be confirming the worst suspicions of teachers and other commentators .
23 Consequently James would be directing The Best of Friends for half the day and Re:Joyce for the other .
24 But Richard Dunwoody always appeared to be going the best and Baydon Star was a comfortable four-length winner , with the third horse Mailcom 30 lengths away .
25 In an interview with the Mail on Sunday , the Prime Minister emphasised that it was the victims of crime and not the perpetrators who should be shown the greatest sympathy , with a less conciliatory attitude from society to offenders .
26 I was supposed to be investigating the latest camcorder craze to sweep America — amateur home porn — but found myself dreading the thought of viewing the tapes .
27 Again Michael Draper , General Manager of the SVR , all staff and volunteers should be offered the highest congratulations for providing one of the most spectacular events in the social calendar of 1992 .
28 If your first choice of hotel should happen to be fully booked , you 'll be offered the nearest alternative ‘ Go-As-You-Please ’ hotel .
29 Elton does n't deserve to be called the worst , he 's very stylish and I dress him for the country .
30 Then they 'll be getting the best jobs for it , i , in .
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