Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [prep] last " in BNC.

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1 If this should happen , and the long-suppressed voice of moderate , long-suffering English people should be heard at last , that voice might well be captured , taken over and perverted by genuine ‘ extremists ’ and ‘ fascists ’ for abhorrent and evil purposes .
2 The sometimes insensitive and arbitrary methods employed in carrying out the regrading exercise has aroused scorn , derision and even despair from those who were led to believe that substantial pay increases were to be honoured at last .
3 Now they 're going to be pegged at last year 's level .
4 Will he be caught at last , and put to death ?
5 ‘ Tim , it could be happening at last although the pain seems in the wrong place . ’
6 Now the village 's secrets were to be revealed at last .
7 THE secret of Norwich 's rise to the top can be revealed at last — it 's brain power !
8 No direct comparison can be made with last year 's figures , as chairman Hugo Biermann reversed his company into a quoted shell company called Pathfinder Plc , and then changed its name to Maddox — because it was based in Maddox Street in London .
9 No entry will be accepted after last post on Friday August 28 , 1992 .
10 No entry will be accepted after last post on Wednesday September 30 , 1992 .
11 In the dawn , before the host came home , he would surely be presented at last with one window into his father 's spirit , and add to the many aspects of Master Harry he had borrowed from other people one at least which was his own .
12 Mr Keegan , 47 , said : ‘ It will be an enormous emotional strain on us but we are glad to be going at last .
13 I think the case may be breaking at last . ’
14 ( Chlorine , though , already one of the main commodity businesses when ICI began in the 1920s , still accounts for a remarkable 12% of total sales ; the proportion will be reduced by last month 's decision to shut two chlorine plants at Hillhouse , Lancashire . )
15 That 's a question which might be asked after last week 's thoroughly enjoyable Carrowdore 100 which however saw only a handful of riders on the line in each race except the classic .
16 If the cache is to be viewed in last used order or alphabetically then the ‘ General ’ cache for module names is displayed in the same manner as used for other data types represented in the ‘ General ’ cache .
17 Well they 'll be forced for last Sunday .
18 They will be forced for last Sunday , and that was
19 The council was faced with half a million tax demands which had to be folded by last Tuesday .
20 The women 's squad look likely to be headed by last year 's bronze medal pair , Fiona Freckleton and Miriam Batten , who return on Tuesday from altitude training in Mexico .
21 The assessors will be working on last autumn 's crop soon enough , and the job will ensure that no one in the household asks any questions .
22 At this stage it seems likely the Ormeau side will be banking on last year 's squad .
23 Pardon my smiles , white-collar pondies , but no way would this ragged gash in the ground be mollified by last week 's Sun .
24 Last year the Group cut its dividend for the first time since it became a quoted company in 1970 , but this year analysts expect the dividend to be held at last year 's figure , with Pilkington digging into reserves in order to fend off the resulting loss of confidence .
25 When gamma equals one all the weight is given to last year 's price all the weight is given to last year 's price okay right , so past history , all past history is ignored apart from the price at T minus one right and the closer that gamma is our expectations co-efficient , closer gamma is to one , the more weight be attached to last year 's price , relative to the previous history of prices okay right .
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