Example sentences of "[be] [adj] [to-vb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If the client proposes an asking price which appears even after investigation to be unrealistic or unreasonable , it may be preferable to withdraw from the engagement .
2 If a client proposes an asking price which appears unrealistic or unreasonable , it may be preferable to withdraw from the engagement rather than to be involved in protracted negotiations which are likely to have little prospect of success .
3 It would be awful to work in a place where everyone was miserable .
4 Test samples that are as table to light as are control samples in the test will almost certainly be stable to light under market conditions .
5 The texts should be practicable to administer in the classroom context , and to mark and moderate .
6 ‘ They thought it would be hypocritical to marry in church , but felt a register office wedding on its own would be a bit bleak . ’
7 In this case there may be little to lose by restricting earnings to £77,400 per annum .
8 Initially there appeared to be little to choose between them , but careful comparative trials showed that Marsilid made more contribution than isoniazid to the improvements in appetite and the weight gain .
9 In fact , if it were n't for the big blue logo and Oli Frey pic on the cover , there 'd be little to indicate to an early reader that this was indeed the same mag !
10 It ca n't be normal to feel like this .
11 If any reader has anything connected with Oakland , no matter how tenuous or trivial , and if anyone owns or knows the whereabouts of Oaklands in the UK , I would be grateful to hear from them .
12 If you received a grant from Gulbenkian or worked with them in any way , then he would be grateful to hear from you .
13 I would therefore be grateful to learn from Benoit Rudloff , who is buying these 1700 ploughs or , as I suspect , respectfully suggest to Mr Rudloff that maybe has had picked up some duff information over the past two years ! !
14 ‘ Both the Eldar and the Slann should be grateful to know about this weapon which would one day be launched against them . ’
15 ‘ In all honesty , though I should be loth to say of any man that he is capable of killing , I dare not say of any man that he is wholly incapable of it .
16 He continued : ‘ In the absence of a claim to a defined privilege as to the validity of which your Lordships could make a determination , it would not in my view be right to withhold from the taxpayers a decision to which , in law , they are entitled . ’
17 In the absence of a claim to a defined privilege as to the validity of which your Lordships could make a determination , it would not in my view be right to withhold from the taxpayers a decision to which , in law , they are entitled .
18 The question whether it would ever be right to move to one at some distant date is separate .
19 Garbett said that he thought it would be right to go to London , for the sake of the Church ; that he longed for him to come to York , for the sake of himself , he wanted Ramsey as his successor .
20 Home Secretary , Kenneth Baker has said he does not now believe it would be right to continue with the proposed closures because of the entirely unacceptable numbers of prisoners held in police cells .
21 We would take some convincing that it can be right to depart from it by punishing more harshly than an offender ‘ deserves ’ on a standard tariff , for example by sentencing an offender to an exceptionally long custodial sentence for purposes of reform or incapacitation .
22 Bisset , using a description of Taking the Side of the Other as a justification for the tactic , concluded that ‘ there are states of society in which it would be proper to contract the very opinions that it would be right to cherish in other circumstances ’ ( Bisset , 1800 : 269 ) .
23 Would it be right to conclude from the Prime Minister 's remarks about the limitations on deficits that he completely rejects the 3 per cent .
24 Would it be right to conclude from his remarks also that in place of the stipulations that exist — which are much too rigid and impractical to be accepted — he would allow the co-ordination of deficits by the market ?
25 The empirical evidence may destroy the reformative aim as a plausible general justification of the penal system , but reform remains a reductivist aim which it may well be right to pursue within a penal system .
26 It ca n't be right to cry through the night .
27 " I should be sorry to quarrel over it , " said Hazel firmly , " but some of us need to silflay .
28 " The Trustees of the Stockport Grammar and Free School , having taken into consideration an application by the Rev. C. G. Hamilton , MA , for a Testimonial as a Candidate for the Headmastership of the Birmingham and Edgbaston Proprietary School , feel that while they should be sorry to part with services so valuable to their own school , they can not , in justice to him , refuse him the opportunity of improving his position , and they cordially wish him that success to which , both from ability and experience , he is so eminently entitled . "
29 Many will be sorry to hear of the death at home of Terence Goldsmith , former publishing director of Blandford Press , on 16th December .
30 It would be absurd to approve of such events taking place on grey , sunless days in dark , depressing places .
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