Example sentences of "[be] [adj] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I would have thought that overreaction would at least be preferable to the apathy currently being shown by both the government and general public alike .
2 However , a Midland Bank spokesman said the group expected the dividend flow from the investments acquired to be preferable to the dividend flow from its Argentinian loan portfolio .
3 A loss might be made on this transaction , but such a loss would be preferable to the total abandonment of one 's savings or wealth , which would in any case have still had a value as bullion .
4 The various experiments taking place at the present time in the use of graded tests ( for example in the Borough of Croydon ) tend to show that this form of examination would , in all kinds of ways , be preferable to the system we have .
5 This may be preferable to the opposite mistake ( where someone 's understanding is far stronger than his faith ) , but a better way is to develop both faith and understanding together .
6 It was a desperate plan , with little hope of success , but Caledor and many like him thought a last desperate gamble would be preferable to the slow death the Elf people were enduring .
7 It would be preferable to the plans for an ugly toll bridge .
8 This would be preferable to the ad hoc provisions available under Section 11 of the Competition Act 1980 , whereby the Secretary of State for Trade can direct the Monopolies and Mergers Commission to investigate efficiency , costs , the level of quality of the service provided and possible misuse of monopoly power within nationalized industries .
9 The use of better measures of ( housing ) deprivation , such as the Census-based ACORN ( A Classification of Residential Neighbourhoods ) or PINPOINT schemes would undoubtedly be preferable to the current indicators .
10 It might appear that chaining or tagging would always be preferable to the simpler system of storing records in the next available position .
11 If it is decided that use of a measure of material deprivation is informative and conceptually sound , then simple measures based on easily available and regularly updated measures would be preferable to the opaque and statistically complex derived indices .
12 Lydia had said that one night 's fast would be preferable to the plight in which they did indeed now find themselves , but Betty regarded the idea of missing a meal as unnatural and Lydia was overruled .
13 It may be that in weighing up all relevant factors , extending an existing quarry would be preferable to the wholesale removal of an old tip .
14 It may be that in weighing up all relevant factors , extending an existing quarry would be preferable to the wholesale removal of an old tip .
15 That would be preferable to the ridiculous procedure of considering a station in one Bill and a high-speed link in another .
16 ‘ Anything would be preferable to the ordeal of the last five minutes , ’ she managed to croak .
17 It would , however , be preferable for the standard to be linked to the role being performed , irrespective of the actual talents of the individual performing it , since there is no reason why an under-qualified director should enjoy a partial immunity .
18 7.2 Landlord to insure The Landlord covenants with the Tenant to insure the Premises and the Retained Parts [ subject to the Tenant paying the Insurance Rent ] unless such insurance shall be vitiated by any act of the Tenant or by anyone at the Premises expressly or by implication with the Tenant 's authority [ and under the Tenant 's control ] While it would be preferable for the insurance to be in the joint names of the landlord and the tenant in order to give the tenant more control over the insurance and to avoid the problem of subrogation referred to below , landlords tend to resist this , presumably on the basis that they wish to retain absolute control and not rely on the tenant in any way as regards the insurance cover .
19 It may be preferable from the warrantor 's point of view to use the subjective phrase ‘ so far as he is aware ’ to reduce the risk of constructive knowledge .
20 There is a great deal of suspicion that these may simply b.e the products of biological contamination after the meteorites have landed ; but , if this is not the case , it would seem that life is likely to be rife throughout the Universe .
21 Indeed , as a matter of political necessity at home , it had to assume ( and this had also weighed heavily with Roosevelt ) that a return to the " old power politics system " would be abhorrent to the great mass of Americans .
22 When the test samples are less stable than the controls , interpretation is less easy since such samples may , nevertheless , be stable under the conditions of the market .
23 The product has proved to be stable over the anticipated lifespan of the building and has advantages over alternative methods of roof insulation , namely , energy efficiency , ease of installation and speed of erection .
24 With this in mind , when you are shooting camera-originals which are to be assemble edited later , shoot them with at least five seconds of spare length at the beginning of each shot ; this not only facilitates the offsetting of the backspace but also helps to ensure that the edits will be stable on the copy .
25 There are some being found , but not stable ones erm we know all the elements which are going to be stable on the planet earth as we know it .
26 Mrs Clark is said to be stable in the burns unit of Stoke Mandeville hospital tonight … and according to her son hoping to move back into a new caravan .
27 Mrs Clark is said to be stable in the burns unit of Stoke Mandeville hospital tonight … and according to her son hoping to move back into a new caravan .
28 Their Korean hosts were said to be upset at the way they barely acknowledged each other in public except for a few surly and petulant exchanges .
29 In general , children under 5 years were more likely to be upset at the birth , but neither sex of the child nor separation at the birth determined the reaction .
30 This sensitive balance is believed to be upset by the release of CFC 's through the atmosphere , into the stratosphere .
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