Example sentences of "[that] [vb -s] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is posited here that rational childbearing practices , including patterns as to age of mother at birth of child , the amount of time that elapses between births and the total number of births , would have a salutary effect upon the health and well being of the family and its individual members , particularly mothers and young children .
2 The basis for the proposition that individual women may improve their own prospects and those of their young children as regards health and mortality is the evidence that age at marriage and at childbearing , the amount of time that elapses between births and the total number of children that a woman has borne at various ages have a pronounced influence upon maternal and child health , and that a child 's birth order may be a factor in its survival chances .
3 The focus is upon demographic factors of age at marriage and at first birth , maternal age , order of birth and family size , and the amount of time that elapses between births .
4 But there are also maternal ailments attributable to the number of births , the ages at which women bear children and possibly also to the amount of time that elapses between births , presumably , among other things , because the reproductive pattern influences ability to meet demands that pregnancy and breastfeeding make upon the body .
5 The woman 's age at first marriage or union and at first birth , the number of children born and order of birth , and the amount of time that elapses between births directly or indirectly impinge upon the viability of young children and the probability of their survival at least beyond five years and have an effect on maternal health and mortality .
6 Analysis of statistics obtained for 39 developing countries that participated in the WFS has confirmed that the amount of time that elapses between birth is , indeed , a critical factor in child mortality .
7 Under no circumstances should the time that elapses between mixes extend beyond 24 hours , or leaks are almost inevitable .
8 Are you talking about a boy that plays with Sarah ?
9 The most widely remembered is the pithy and witty exchange that plays on Ben 's alienation from the materialistic world of his parents and their friends .
10 Pavel levers himself into his car , forcing movement out of a body that longs for sleep more than anything else .
11 It is a bird spirit that longs for freedom .
12 I think its a bit of a simplification to say that its , its nature 's way of keeping us going , because actually er ro , the idea that romantic love is the start of a life long relationship that produces off spring is really quite recent , erm for , for most of history er marriage 's were on the basis of continuing er lines , continuing property and people had to erm some how or other cope with living with ano another person that might not necessarily have been the person that they would of chosen from love and , and this is still true in many societies and situations now .
13 This has been described as " the affection of a man that clingeth to God , a homely and pious speaking , a standing of the enlightened soul unto enjoying for so long as may be " .
14 She has an obsession with the drug that verges on monomania .
15 A senior official at the Russian gas industry monopoly Gazprom told Itar-Tass news agency that supplies to Ukraine would be cut off on Thursday .
16 For example , his account of the nine different reasons why two scientists might disagree could go verbatim into any elementary course on the social relations of science , whilst the extended analogy between ‘ growing science ’ and establishing an orchard should be required reading for every would-be science politician in any nation that aspires to modernity .
17 You may appeal under rule six , my branch was told , this is the appeal procedures that refers to members not branches , but it will be well understood you are making the appeal on behalf of the branch , which obviously means we 've got ta borrow one to do something else .
18 While writing this book I have tried to avoid , where possible , medical language that refers to people with mental disorder exclusively as ‘ patients ’ , a race for whom doctors and other professionals make all the decisions , whether the ‘ patient ’ likes it or not .
19 USL 's in-house counsel says OSF , which appears to looking for proof of an industry-wide conspiracy against it , is asking USL to produce not only every piece of paper they 've got with OSF 's name on it but anything that refers to Unix or even software .
20 Lalage had the style that goes beyond looks .
21 The comparative method lies at the root of any sociological research that goes beyond description .
22 Oh yeah , well that was where I learnt to swim in the canal on Road , er it 's the bridge that goes over Lane , near , near .
23 ‘ What 's so marvellous , is that these kids who are doing bum jobs , and are said to be idiots , can get themselves organized like this , and set up a fabulous military strategy that goes into battle . ’
24 The Rivers Authority a public register , which details the quality of all the sewage effluence that goes into rivers , and it details the quality of those rivers .
25 The emotion that goes into art is subtle and it is the faculty of being able to feel this emotion that constitutes our appreciation of art .
26 Puzzled , I was told that Acorns were that amount ‘ because of the energy that goes into them' , and ‘ anyway we really need cash at the moment' . ’
27 The main line is the methyl methacrylate that goes into paints , surface coating resins and , above all , plastics .
28 You approach Chipping Norton along this road , a straight road that goes into Chipping Norton .
29 If it 's the one that goes through Colchester .
30 Eric and I had to restrain him at times when he wanted to do something like throw little Paul into the water to see if he 'd float , or like when he wanted to fell a tree over the railway line that goes through Porteneil , but as a rule we got on surprisingly well , even though it rankled to see Eric , who was the same age as Blyth , obviously in fear of him .
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