Example sentences of "[that] [vb base] in the " in BNC.

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1 These findings suggest that axonal electrical activity normally controls the production and/or release of the growth factors that are responsible for proliferation of oligodendrocyte precursor cells and thereby helps to control the number of oligodendrocytes that develop in the region .
2 The stability of the enterprise conditions of calculation that develop in the East Asian example has not been productive of the formation of high-risk entrepreneurial behaviour as firms launch into speculative and unrelated lines of business .
3 Gallstones are lumps that develop in the gall bladder when the chemical balance of the bile is upset — and women are two or three times more likely to have them than men are .
4 At the same time that this mischief is done , the wood itself is ( timber excepted ) but of a miserable account , as any one may suppose , when he is informed , that these shaws have a fence only on one side , and consequently are exposed to be eaten by the cattle that graze in the fields ; hence there is an imperfect system of wood , an injured one of corn , and wretched fences ; by aiming at too much , nothing arrives at perfection .
5 But what is less often pointed out is that Anselm in The Proslogion also defines God as ‘ greater than can be thought to exist ’ .
6 Although countries like Mexico , Chile and Brazil have budding film industries , the products of which are now reaching the industrialised world , it is still North American and European films that predominate in the cinemas of Mexico City , Santiago and São Paulo .
7 The first cells to leave will form proximal structures , like the humerus , whereas those that remain in the progress zone longest will form the tips of the digits .
8 Further investigations by teams of scientists from all over the world have since laid the blame on man-made chlorinated substances that remain in the atmosphere for 100 years or more , where they destroy ozone .
9 And of these it is the small-to-medium family cars that sell in the greatest numbers .
10 See that carp in the keep net ?
11 As a suggestion that change in the world occurs rather in the way that certain competitions present dominoes falling into kaleidoscopic patterns , requiring some initial push in order to begin the process , this ‘ proof ’ is hardly convincing .
12 It is in the international financial structure that change in the past two decades has proceeded fastest , away from nationally-centred credit systems toward a single system of integrated financial markets .
13 Once that has been completed the scaffolding will be removed and the Banco di Roma will provide indefinitely for a team of gardeners and maintenance officers to keep the upper walls free of weeds that grow in the crevices , loosening small bits of masonry and concrete that are then dislodged by birds or lizards .
14 Night Goblins eat vast quantities of the multi-coloured fungi that grow in the dank caves where they live .
15 European and Asian gourmands will pay up to $100 per pound for the morel , matsutake and chanterelle mushrooms that grow in the forests , creating an industry that , by some estimates , is worth $10m a year .
16 Everything in the National Park is protected : conservation here is absolute , you are not allowed even to pick any of the 400 species of wild flowers that grow in the Pyrenees .
17 Erm a lot of us are bothered by eyebrows some of us have got really long coarse hair that grow in the eyebrows and we take those out as well .
18 He was a regular in the designer bars that pose in the sun along the Portofino coastline and although he only drinks moderately , he has developed a taste for vintage champagne .
19 Yes we will have to get some curtains that fit in the bay go
20 Review : Scares that fly in the face of fact
21 Injury and suspension could now give Walter Smith 's team a vulnerability on two fronts that tests even their noticeable capacity for ignoring logic and achieving results that fly in the face of realism .
22 The Lexical Syllabus has been ‘ developed out of the author 's assessment that ELT in the late 1980s and early '90s had lost its way ’ .
23 Components that transform in the manner of eqn ( 5.1 ) are called vector or contravariant components .
24 In short the pictures in an art museum have been closely monitored , often through decades and in a few cases for centuries , so full descriptions that appear in the catalogues have a thorough-paced authority .
25 Nearly all substances that appear in the urine show daily rhythms and these are due to our habits as well as our body clock .
26 Thus even bottom-dwelling molluscs can be dispersed widely over long distances , and are quick to colonize vacant sites that appear in the ocean ( new volcanic islands like Surtsey , for example ) .
27 These are the human remains that appear in the picture of the priests , from bodies that had already been torn apart by dogs before they were found in the sand .
28 As well as all the programs that appear in the above publications , what you may also do is use the programs that appear for the Singer System machine version of the Form Computer , called the Knitting Computer or Digiform Computer .
29 There are a variety of exercises to check understanding at the back of each book and all the readers contain a picture dictionary , illustrating the words that appear in the stories .
30 The fry remain in the streams for a few weeks , feeding on the flush of insects and crustaceans that appear in the warming waters .
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