Example sentences of "[that] [vb base] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It would , therefore , make sense if axons played a part in controlling the number of oligodendrocytes that develop in a myelinated tract .
2 These findings suggest that axonal electrical activity normally controls the production and/or release of the growth factors that are responsible for proliferation of oligodendrocyte precursor cells and thereby helps to control the number of oligodendrocytes that develop in the region .
3 The stability of the enterprise conditions of calculation that develop in the East Asian example has not been productive of the formation of high-risk entrepreneurial behaviour as firms launch into speculative and unrelated lines of business .
4 Gallstones are lumps that develop in the gall bladder when the chemical balance of the bile is upset — and women are two or three times more likely to have them than men are .
5 Originating in Scandinavian mythology , elves are capricious sprites that dance on the grass , or sit in the leaves of trees and bask in the light of the full moon .
6 At the same time that this mischief is done , the wood itself is ( timber excepted ) but of a miserable account , as any one may suppose , when he is informed , that these shaws have a fence only on one side , and consequently are exposed to be eaten by the cattle that graze in the fields ; hence there is an imperfect system of wood , an injured one of corn , and wretched fences ; by aiming at too much , nothing arrives at perfection .
7 If I want group members ' approval , I will accept the dictates of the group about my role , even though I might not accept that influence in a one-to-one relationship .
8 There is a freshness and enthusiasm that communicate with the listener and the recording , too , is eminently acceptable .
9 Nerves that communicate with the use of acetylcholine are said to be cholinergic and are found in the peripheral and central nervous systems .
10 The motherboards are arranged in four clusters that communicate through a single backplane .
11 The motherboards are arranged in four clusters that communicate through a single backplane .
12 Whatever the rapture of first love and the obsessiveness of courtship ( sweet old fashioned word ) and marriage , it is a class act which can retain that rapture through the rigours of parenthood , child care and mortgage repayment .
13 And both these books pale before novels that contend for the mantle of Disraeli : those of Jeffrey Archer himself .
14 But what is less often pointed out is that Anselm in The Proslogion also defines God as ‘ greater than can be thought to exist ’ .
15 Laing wandered aimlessly through the narrow streets and hidden courtyards that hide between the roaring traffic of the City of London , the capital 's most ancient square mile and centre of the country 's commercial and banking world .
16 Businesses that qualify for the relief include those of market makers on The Stock Exchange , but no other businesses dealing in securities , stocks or shares .
17 Mel Thompson ( chapter 9 ) goes some way towards rescuing the term , arguing that whilst the trumpeting of particular forms of entrepreneurial success is dangerous because it can be used to locate the blame for economic distress on the victims of economic disruptions , it is equally worthwhile not disparaging a broad set of practices that qualify under a more conventional definition of this term .
18 Investment can only be in companies or funds that qualify under the BES rules .
19 In one of these movements , the duet and chorus ‘ Hymen , appear ! ’ towards the end of Act 5 , he began by writing out only the chorus soprano part and the two solo soprano parts that alternate with the chorus .
20 During night missions inside Iraq , the laser shines from the belly of the bomber , and is kept on target by the pilot or the weapons officer , with the help of electronics that compensate for the aircraft 's movements .
21 ‘ The states that make up the contemporary Middle East are like beads on the ‘ masbaha ’ , or worry beads , so common in the region .
22 ‘ Roads , park , dispensary , institute , and so on — a hundred and twenty thousand pounds ; repairs and upkeep , recurring , four thousand … ’ and so on through all the elements that make for the running of a town , ending with the caution that it was ‘ all very round-figurey . ’
23 The , the back of the calendar card , the notes that make on the back of the calendar card , will be in sequential order , presumably .
24 However , the bulk of LDCs have neither oil resources to export nor a diversified manufacturing base , and it is these countries that account for a high proportion of the world 's poor .
25 The different playing philosophies that account for the North-South divide are emphasised by the views of two of the most successful coaches or recent times — Australia 's Bob Dwyer and Ian McGeechan of Scotland and the British Lions .
26 Sometimes antibodies can be produced that bind to a virus but do not succeed in preventing it from entering and infecting cells ( called non-neutralising antibodies ) .
27 Although yeast bHLH proteins that bind to the same DNA sequence as Myc and Max have been described , they are unlikely to play a significant role in our experiments .
28 The transcription proteins that bind to the octameric DNA sequence ATGCAAAT ( or its complement ATTTGCAT ) are called Oct factors .
29 Most experimental evidence suggests that Jun or Fos containing factors that bind to the X-box are required for the activation of MHC class II promoters ( 26,28–30 ) , although a negative role was suggested for the Jun/Fos heterodimer ( 27 ) .
30 Richard Pryor ( who was never given another chance to explore this side of his acting ability ) , Yaphet Kotto and Harvey Keitel star as the workers who attempt to break the chains that bind with a break-in at their corrupt union 's headquarters .
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