Example sentences of "[that] [adv] as the " in BNC.

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1 Simultaneously the council affirmed that just as the bishops of the great cities of Rome and Syrian Antioch exercised jurisdiction beyond the confines of their own diocese and province , so also the bishop of Alexandria should hold jurisdiction throughout Egypt and Libya .
2 Gillham continues to argue that just as the participant is protected from physical hurt by the parameters of ‘ it 's only a game ’ , so the same protection applies to psychological hurt .
3 Omar said that just as the crowd was becoming angry with impatience in the hot sun a young woman of about twenty-five years of age was roughly pulled out of a police car .
4 Before we move on , it is worth noticing that just as the debate about the Bible rested to a large extent on a rather dubious notion of what kind of authority was in question , so too the argument about miracles was one in which both sides generally shared an equally questionable concept .
5 It is worth noting , however , that just as the teaching force moved from co-operation to conflict , so did many of the local authorities .
6 This chapter has argued that just as the study of style can not entirely rely on quantitative data , neither can it ultimately do without them .
7 It seems to follow that just as the notion of the meaning of a single sentence is indeterminate , so the notion of two sentences having the same meaning is indeterminate .
8 Zinoviev , presiding over the Congress , blurred these differences and declared that just as the Russian Communist party was assisting the Chinese communists , so the French and Dutch parties should take care of Indonesia and Indo-China ; a curiously neo-colonialist policy which was to persist for several years .
9 IT IS typical of the contrary nature of things that just as the impression grows that Rangers will progress inevitably to a higher plane and leave lesser sides to their own devices , along come Airdrie , all skint knees and sweat , to sow a couple of doubts .
10 Soon the forest closed around her , so dense and dark in places that even as the new day broke she imagined herself still to be in a midnight realm .
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