Example sentences of "[that] [noun sg] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Glaxo has not produced any data about the effect of ranitidine on rats using Astra 's methods , but says there is no evidence that ranitidine promotes the formation of dangerous levels of gastrin at therapeutic doses .
2 If a minister clearly states the effect of a provision and there is no subsequent relevant amendment to the Bill or withdrawal of the statement it is reasonable to assume that Parliament passed the Bill on the basis that the provision would have the effect stated .
3 In my judgment there can be no doubt that , if Parliamentary privilege does not prohibit references to Hansard , the Parliamentary history shows that Parliament passed the legislation on the basis that the effect of sections 61 and 63 of the Act was to assess in-house benefits , and particularly concessionary education for teachers ' children , on the marginal cost to the employer and not on the average cost .
4 But Lord Donaldson said he did not interpret the power in the 1981 Broadcasting Act to mean that Parliament intended the home secretary to have authority either covertly to censor programmes or to require the broadcasting authorities to present news programmes other than with due impartiality and accuracy .
5 If the body exercising the power has been established especially for that purpose , the courts are likely to conclude that Parliament intended the body to act personally .
6 It is difficult to think that Parliament intended the section to operate so capriciously and I would not construe it in that sense unless clearly constrained to do so by the statutory language .
7 One hopes that reading it may have good effects , of the kind described by Wordsworth in the 1800 Preface , or more succinctly summed up by Lewis in the conclusion to An Experiment in Criticism , where he says that literature heals the wound without undermining the privilege of individuality .
8 One can compare the passage just quoted , which insists on the unknowability of the real world , with some of her subsequent remarks ; as , for instance , when she refers to her argument ‘ that literature represents the myths and imaginary versions of real social relationships ’ , and claims that ‘ a form of criticism which refuses to reproduce the pseudo-knowledge offered by the text provides a real knowledge of the work of literature ’ , or says that ‘ the task of criticism , then , is … to produce a real knowledge of history . ’
9 Post-structuralist critics will deny that literature possesses the organic unity to which the New Critics attached so much weight .
10 The way that ideology serves the interests of the ruling class , by obscuring the contradictions in the lived relations of the mode of production , is through the generation of ideas and explanations — knowledge .
11 They found that supplementation reduced the total cell proliferation although in contrast with our results , vitamin C did not change the upward shift of the proliferative zone .
12 There is a sense in which standing is a preliminary question , separate from that of the substance and merits of the applicant 's case : standing rules determine entitlement to raise and argue the issue of illegality , and it makes little sense to say that entitlement to argue the merits of the case depends on whether one has a good case on the merits .
13 At the same time he reflects the important belief that Ho Chi Minh was first and foremost a Vietnamese nationalist even though in his next sentence Moffat said ‘ He was also a communist and believed that communism offered the best hope for the Vietnamese people . ’
14 A fresh listening to the 1960 Kennedy-Nixon debates is enough to rekindle the exaggerated sense of urgency then felt that Communism represented the wave of the future , as its adherents had prophesied .
15 Social historians tend to support the view that industrialisation destroyed the apprenticeship system .
16 Our decision to give the assessors that responsibility reflects the views put to us during the consultation which persuaded us that they were best placed to undertake the work and to do the job well within the timetable allowed .
17 is quite stable in some solvents , while Raman spectroscopy on the monoanion , ( which shows how the negatively-charged football structure vibrates ) , demonstrates that reduction disturbs the orderly bonding and symmetry of C60 .
18 There is no question that Ministry stole the show at Lollapalooza .
19 Simmel concludes this section of his Philosophy with an argument that money represents the end point of that cultural process which may be described as the reduction of quality to quantity , a line of argument which was to prove particularly influential in later traditions of Western Marxism .
20 So far , one survey has clearly suggested that smoking makes the skin wrinkle sooner , but research seems to have stopped there .
21 Briefly , the principle states that physics appears the same to any observer in free fall whatever the magnitude of the gravitational field .
22 At present , sewage works must ensure that effluent meets the required standards of cleanliness for 95 percent of any 12 month period .
23 Here in the vaulted chalk cellars of Champagne Veuve Cliquot we were to discover that Champagne reaches the parts that other breakfasts beverages do n't reach .
24 Anthropologists , in tracing the evolution of Homo sapiens from more primitive quadruped simian species , assumed that bipedalism facilitated the free use of hands from their role in locomotion .
25 I certainly would not want to attempt a summary of the route we have taken all the way from the mind-body problem to children trying to win chocolates ; but I do need to make some concluding comments to justify the bold claim in the first paragraph that constructivism makes the mind-body problem less intractable .
26 The child , Beryl , was born and everybody seemed content except that gossip insisted the child was not Edwin 's . ’
27 Marsh 's Man and Nature warned that deforestation upset the natural distribution of water and led to soil erosion .
28 Two highly productive lines of research demonstrate that ginseng increases the efficiency both of adrenal cortical reactions to stress , and of the production of energy during exhaustive physical work .
29 Legislation requires the authorities to ensure that industry uses the best available techniques not entailing excessive cost ( BATNEEC ) to abate pollution .
30 It was to meet cases of this kind that Equity invented the great remedies of specific performance and injunction : specific performance to compel a man actually to do what he has promised — to give you the land in return for the money , to pay you the purchase money in return for the land ; injunction to forbid him to do what he has promised not to do or what he has no right to do — to forbid him to open the public house or the music-school , to forbid him to build so as to block up your light , even to compel him to pull down the objectionable wall ; the last sort of injunction is called mandatory .
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