Example sentences of "[that] [adv] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But I think that secretly the vice-chancellor and the other grown-ups were delighted by this kind of behaviour , as it proved beyond any reasonable doubt that we were students and they were teachers .
2 I thought that presumably the bill was still divided proportionately between the countries .
3 Nottingham 's own historian , Dr Chambers , reckons that altogether the slum property of the town produced an annual return of forty thousand pounds , some of which went to building-clubs financed by small artisans .
4 We say that locally the surface is Euclidean and distances are given by the differential Pythagoras equation where dx , and dy are the coordinate separations of nearby points on the surface .
5 Notice that effectively the spectrum of the unit step function has been derived by multiplying it by a factor which makes the Fourier integral converge .
6 As far as the army was concerned , I had been told in October 1945 that effectively the matter was ended with the presumption of death .
7 That is , in periods of high unemployment , the government would expand aggregate demand : this would reduce the unemployment but at the same time tend to create inflationary pressure so that eventually the government would have to reduce aggregate demand again .
8 For once , both sides want to win over waverers ; and if Labour scraps the block vote , there is a fair chance that eventually the merits of the arguments will determine the policy Labour chooses .
9 So it was a way of getting out and I knew that eventually the council would have to rehouse me .
10 Each additional storey may be given its own roof so that eventually the building looks like a Chinese pagoda .
11 But in the evening , on what was to prove his last visit , the prisoner was so long and so quiet that eventually the carabiniere who had remained to guard him banged on the door .
12 All that is necessary is that eventually the consequences , however tortuous and indirect , feed back and affect the success of the replicator at getting itself copied .
13 Each department takes part in a six monthly review of its teaching quality based on the diary records , and Dr Pearson thinks that eventually the school would be able to move teaching contracts to where the good teaching is .
14 Originally it catered for pupils from 5 to 16 , but local reorganisation means that eventually the school will only accommodate children of secondary school age .
15 He deliberately locked the french windows and stayed inside the room , knowing that eventually the night visitors , whoever they were , would have to make a move .
16 What we must cling to as these atrocities go on is that eventually the IRA will be crushed .
17 Both effects diminish the energy received so that eventually the signals are undetectable .
18 If you have an even number of needles , after two rows every needle has been knitted once ; whereas if you have an odd number of stitches , then the same needles have been knitted on both rows and will go on being knitted on subsequent rows so that eventually the carriage jams .
19 In the inflationary expansion one might expect that eventually the symmetry between the forces would be broken , just as supercooled water always freezes in the end .
20 Notice that eventually the cycle will converge on the new equilibrium level of income of £1,020 ( that is , an increase of £20 since the multiplier is 2 in this example ) .
21 This means that these 43 people have lost any right to apply for an exit visa , whereas normally Jews waiting to leave keep on applying hoping that eventually the visa will be granted .
22 He suggests therefore that perhaps the return of a third successive Conservative administration might not lead to a widening of social class inequalities .
23 Threat to insurers AS THE £1.1bn takeover bid by Australian Mutual Provident , Australia 's largest life insurer , gets underway for the Pearl Group , a new survey suggests that perhaps the Australians should have made a bid for a building society .
24 The closest they got to an opinion on the two campaigns was when Andrew said that Labour 's campaign organisers had been ‘ more laid back ’ than the Tories , but his brother immediately disagreed , saying that perhaps the Conservatives had shown more flexibility in their poster plans .
25 You see , there is word in the bazaar that perhaps the man heard beforehand that the Parquet were coming .
26 This planted the seed in his mind that perhaps the work of a record producer could be interesting .
27 I think we would be wise to reflect a little longer and to think that perhaps the Government is not so far wrong in what it is saying and I have to say finally My Lords that I never in my public life , or indeed in my private life have met anybody who has said to me that their attitude towards their local police force has been in any way influenced by the fact that the members of the police authority were or were n't democratically elected .
28 so surely the arguments hinge upon the fact that perhaps the government is likely to be inefficient , corrupt , bureaucratic , whatever .
29 Whilst the venue on this occasion was central and it was not the first time the A.G.M. had been held on a Friday evening , the Committee appreciates that perhaps the idea of holding the Meeting on the evening before the Dinner Dance to enable those travelling to London to attend both events was not a good one .
30 Both Noah and Forget also offered the suggestion that perhaps the Americans had been caught napping because they were over confident .
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