Example sentences of "[that] [pron] were at " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We are informed that you were at a lecture , on the thirteenth of last month . ’
2 I heard him tell Fagin that you were at this hotel .
3 Now would you , I think it must be right that you were at the at five fifteen in the morning conducted by Sergeant .
4 It 's common knowledge that you were at that dinner with me .
5 Mr Brandreth tells me : ‘ I discovered that we were at Oxford when an American reporter rang me some months ago to ask about him .
6 We bought Dowty knowing that we were at a low point in the aircraft build forecast , that was part of the reason for the timing .
7 Well that was the that was the er base headquarters of the international brigade , Albusate And then from there , w you were farmed out to the village , which was er er sort of the base , who are responsible for your er particular national battalion , you see er , the the the French people , they they er w they would be in one village , the English and the Canadians er er Americans would be er in this place that we were at , called Tarrazona Er and the Germans w , the German anti-fascists would be er in another .
8 ‘ Coming in as an outsider probably helped as a bit of a catalyst but really it was the fact that we were at the bottom of the underwriting cycle and everyone was looking to improve results and build up market share . ’
9 Well David said that we were at the end , everyone believed that they were that the time has come that we was at the end of the world .
10 However , the right hon. and learned Member for Monklands , East ( Mr. Smith ) asserted that we were at the bottom of the league .
11 The rest of the queue followed close behind him so that there were at least six people on the ladder at the same time .
12 He had previously ascertained that there were at least two aircraft with similar radio fits and noted their positions .
13 There are one or two slight discrepancies in the article ; for example every crew I flew with operated with four Air Gunners , more than half the co-pilots flight sergeant air engineers , one of my skippers was a Flying Officer and I 'm sure that there were at least another four .
14 The teacher in charge claimed that there were at least nine children who ‘ linguistically could be good partials ’ but not one was attaining anything like his or her true linguistic potential .
15 Drescher , however , has demonstrated that there were at least twenty-seven public meetings for anti-slave trade petitioning in 1788 .
16 Some bronze and clay fittings imply that there were at least two large statues on Minoan Crete , i.e. life-size or larger .
17 Although the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees put the number of Liberian refugees at 80,000 , the government said that there were at least 200,000 [ see also pp. 37174 ; 37644 ] .
18 Upon closer examination , however , it was revealed that there were at least three ways in which such a conclusion would be misleading .
19 The police driver asked for her documents but the woman explained , with a pleasant smile that they were at her home nearby .
20 Most companies said they used the results as research , although a few said they advised workers that they were at higher risk in certain jobs than others .
21 Next morning they would wake up and find that they were at home .
22 Several times they crossed paths that led into the forest but it was not until another hour had passed and the moon was paling in the light of the false dawn that they were at last among strange scattered rocks like those which strewed the fringe of the forest where they had first entered the Waste .
23 Only two per cent said that they were at all dissatisfied with the arrangement : to put this in perspective , about ten per cent of buyers ( credit or cash ) were prepared to admit to being dissatisfied in some way with the goods they had bought .
24 The witness concerned should explain that he had a good unobstructed view of the traffic lights and that they were at red when the vehicle or part of it passed them .
25 They had ignored the seriousness of the news bulletins that night and taken a trip down the Mersey on the Royal Iris to celebrate the finishing of their bedroom , though Mr Chamberlain had told them next day that they were at war with Germany .
26 It was quite clear to them that they were at this moment standing in the presence of a master .
27 They felt that through joining the movement they had been liberated from the ills of modern society and that they were at last free to make the world a better place and themselves better people .
28 That they were at least in part effective was clearly the case .
29 The authors argue that newborn screening for Duchenne muscular dystrophy decreases emotional distress because it avoids delays in diagnosing the disease , and without newborn screening two or more boys could be born with Duchenne muscular dystrophy before parents realised that they were at risk of having an affected child .
30 Erm the point that they were at pains to make as well was that erm that because of the low cost nature of these homes erm the charge for a mortgage would actually be less than er , is is common in a charge for most association properties with similar sites erm in terms of rent .
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