Example sentences of "[that] [verb] in a " in BNC.

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1 It would , therefore , make sense if axons played a part in controlling the number of oligodendrocytes that develop in a myelinated tract .
2 They must be attentive to all the susceptibilities that people might have in this connection , and ensure that all of them played a part in resolving the tasks that arose in a society of this kind .
3 If I want group members ' approval , I will accept the dictates of the group about my role , even though I might not accept that influence in a one-to-one relationship .
4 He had the revolutionary idea that gravity was not just a force that operated in a fixed background of space-time .
5 A tree that goes in a chipper as a 7ft , 20lb pine comes out as a pile of fragrant mulch that can be carried away in a small box to be used in parks or gardens .
6 Tools included are a lightweight folding ladder that goes in a car boot ; a 1.3m ladder-frame , easy-climb alloy tower ; a lightweight vibrating plate for settling concrete paving blocks , that will fit into the smallest of cars ; a copper tube T-end joiner ; a skip loader ; a 10m two-man hydraulic lift ; Alligator saw ; a tree stump chipper ; and even a bouncy castle !
7 The volume of sediment that accumulates in a basin depends on the rates of subsidence , sediment supply and sediment removal .
8 A much broader common core has been designed than just that experienced in a formal group setting .
9 If IBM has any sense ( which is in itself a topic worthy of serious consideration ) it will offer versions of its engine for the entire ES/9000 range ; should it do so , the 9221 version might be nothing larger than a circuit board or two that fits in a standard rack .
10 3 Something that belongs in a set is called an … of the set .
11 The white marble figure of Bacchus now in the ilex walk at Ham House in Richmond , for example , is almost certainly that mentioned in a 1672 inventory — ‘ For 1 Pedastall for ye figure Bacchus ’ .
12 The normal price for any given daily supply of fish , which we are now seeking , is the price which will quickly call into the fishing trade capital and labour enough to obtain that supply in a day 's fishing of average good fortune ; the influence which the price of fish will have upon capital and labour available in the fishing trade being governed by rather narrow causes such as these .
13 The swimming mollusc Nautilus , a rather strange squid-like creature that lives in a shell like the extinct ammonites and belemnites ( see the " shelled cephalopod " of Figure 5 ) , has a pair of pinhole cameras for eyes .
14 Is that that one that lives in a caravan or did live in one ?
15 By the seventeenth century , however , engineers had become sufficiently skilled at making complex mechanical devices , powered by clockwork or water , to be able to make toys that moved in a fairly convincing approximation to the way that people and animals move .
16 The same can be said of the United States Constitution , but in Britain there is no body that stands in a position analogous to that of the United States Supreme Court .
17 Of course , one could say one need not care about the breakdown in predictability that occurred in a distant star .
18 A fatal submassive necrosis that occurred in a 68 year old lady who had received piroxicam for 15 months is described .
19 Hardly a star showed , for the sky was veiled by a lacy wrack , bleached snow-white by the moon that rose in a clear unclouded patch .
20 From now on , in every by-election that occurs in a Tory-held seat , the same strategy should be followed .
21 It will be evident to the reader that it is the element of congestion that occurs in a local public good which determines that the size of the locality should be restricted .
22 An amino acid is a chemical sub-unit of a protein , and ultimately everything that happens in a cell it produces some kind of protein , so you can see that erm the triplet or produces erm which is one of the , one of the er amino acids and so on and there are also punctuation marks U A A or U A G means stop , as does U G A , so when , when a R N A template running through a gets to a sequence which reads , where was it now , U A A it stops reading because it knows it 's got to the end of the gene .
23 The Rockingbirds then play the heartfelt ‘ Standing On The Doorstep Of Love ’ , the anthemic hero-tribute ‘ Jonathan Jonathan ’ , and a run of crowd-pleasers that culminates in a cover of ‘ In Tall Buildings ’ which is plain perfect .
24 Perhaps the dream tie in today 's ‘ hands on ’ publishing world is that brown one from M&S that came in a set with its own matching handkerchief .
25 He was planning on a shave and a slow , hot bath ; he might even throw in some of that stuff that Wayne had bought him for his birthday , that came in a dubious-looking novelty bottle shaped like a tiger 's head .
26 The Collector had expected that the attack would begin with the howling warcry he had come to dread , but for once it did not ; out of the thin ground mist that lingered in a slight dip in between the churchyard wall and the ruins of the Cutcherry the shapes of men began to appear .
27 Many other chemicals that act in a similar way to acyclovir are under investigation .
28 Access to the inter-dealer brokers in gilts ( to be distinguished from the different IDBs that act in a similar capacity in the equity market ) is restricted to GEMMs .
29 Individuals believe that acting in a certain way will lead to certain outcomes ( the performance — outcome expectancy ) .
30 No discussion of the institutionalizing of literary study in higher education would be complete without a mention of the academic publishing that exists in a close , indeed symbiotic relation with it .
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