Example sentences of "[that] [noun] [adv] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 The report was highly critical of the backbench committees and noted that meetings frequently overlap or are cancelled and rearranged and that attendance was low .
2 The requirement in the Adoption Agency Regulations to counsel the parents specifically about all the alternatives to adoption , and to make sure that their views about these different alternatives are placed before the court , together with the fact that guardians ad litem and reporting officers will also be scrutinising this element of the work , should lead to more careful practice at this stage .
3 There is some evidence that solicitors also provide a form of gratuitous legal advice by waiving their charges in respect of a short initial consultation which does not require action on their part or a further interview .
4 They have the clout to offer the integrated service that cities increasingly want , pulling together collection , disposal and recycling .
5 These are just the sort of qualities that Orcs really admire !
6 Why is it that housewives still buy tasteless fruit from Common Market countries when English varieties are available , I suppose it boils down to cheapness .
7 While there is some justification for arguing that industries never mature ( or only over an extremely long time-span ) , there is also every justification for arguing that products often do have life-cycles short enough to make sense of this type of analysis .
8 One of the biggest problems for Ferguson is that opponents always raise their game against Manchester United .
9 Vegetables that Westerners often feed to livestock — such as rape — make lovely dishes .
10 The dependence thesis does not claim that authorities always act for dependent reasons , but merely that they should do so .
11 It is claimed that the herbicides used ( including paraquat , delapon , aminotrazole , and glyphosate ) are neutralized on contact with the soil and do not harm soil life , and that earthworms actually increase under this system .
12 It turns out that bosons positively like to be in the same state together .
13 There was a long pause , the kind of pause that winners always display as they create a little time to savour their victory .
14 It has been seen that singularities inevitably occur in the solutions describing the interaction region of colliding plane waves .
15 Smith emphasises that designers here need business advice and assistance more than glitzy awards .
16 However one views these initiatives ( whether they stem from local or central government ) they are covertly political — to ensure that schools broadly reflect parental wishes ( for parents , being instinctively conservative in matters educational , provide the most effective brake on radical local initiative ) or to give public credibility to the educational programme of a particular local authority ( ‘ We , the elected councillors , have discussed this with parents and … ’ )
17 The trends tend to be that schools either gain or lose pupils with little interchange .
18 Theories of gender and education have , to some extent , mirrored those on class and education : there are those who believe that inequality is caused by the differential socialization of girls and boys ( in a sense , that girls are ‘ culturally deprived ’ ) and that this can be overcome through removing prejudice ; there are also those ( e.g. Spender 1982 ; Mahony 1985 ) who believe that schools both reflect and reproduce patriarchal relations .
19 Given that HEBS has only recently moved from a topics-based approach , it is not surprising that schools still see the role of the health board in terms of help with specific topics and current health problems .
20 He believes that manufacturers simply need to be aware of the electromagnetic environments surrounding their products just as they would be aware of temperatures .
21 It is this type of sail that manufacturers commonly supply with new boards and frequently it is a ‘ soft ’ sail .
22 So much so that supporters now have three distinct types , with inevitable gradations in between .
23 The entitlements that animals assuredly have , embodied in prolific legislation , are those that human beings have given them .
24 Dreaming does not seem to be confined to our own species : research on the subject would appear to indicate that animals likewise have dreams : we have all seen a sleeping dog twitch as it ‘ chases rabbits ’ .
25 The fact that so many modern creatures utilize oxygen in respiration , and indeed now rely upon it ( so that animals quickly suffocate in its absence ) , is a fine example of evolution adapting creatively .
26 In a series of articles later collected in his book Mutual Aid of 1902 , the Russian anarchist writer Peter Kropotkin argued that animals naturally co-operate with one another .
27 Convincing evidence that animals actually do operate this way comes from James Serpell of the University of Cambridge ( Animal Behaviour , vol 30 , p 1244 ) , who has been studying the aggressive behaviour of nine species of tropical parrots of the genus Trichoglossus .
28 The older theory supposes that animals mainly tell the truth when signalling .
29 The need for the new test is underlined by a report today from the Royal Automobile Club and the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents which suggests that drivers never read the Highway Code after passing their driving test .
30 Thirdly , there is the issue of how precisely capital charges will impact on the funds that DHAs actually receive .
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