Example sentences of "[that] there have been " in BNC.

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1 It came from a scene set in a bar not unlike ours , and was said just after everyone in the bar had turned pale at the sight of a particular young man , a regular , entering the bar after a week 's absence ; the thing was , they were all wondering how they were going to break the news to him that there 'd been a terrible suicide , they were all wondering who was going to be the one to take this boy to one side and tell him what had happened to his friend , and why .
2 so in all purp in , in always , the fact that you 'd come into this house made one realize that there 'd been a distinct change in one 's circumstances .
3 Like us , he reckoned that there 'd been another man there .
4 The story was an ancient warrant that the girls of those parts were the beauties of their day , that there 'd been no break with the proud Greek tradition .
5 Erm th there were some complaints about er , this is first liaison meeting that there 'd been in the county , and you know they were obviously
6 I suspect that there 'll there 'd been a certain amount of alienation for a long time things that the men had to accept because the people with the money and therefore the power said that they had to you know a I think quarry men are very proud on one level great sort of craftsmen in a way and erm I 'm sure that you know th the last couple of years well I 've heard them say really tha that there 'd been things niggling them with the management but I suppose this was just like a blatant smack in the face and they realize that if they accepted this if they let the management walk all over them this was the thin end of the wedge you know that .
7 If it was obvious that there 'd been a false declaration .
8 When he was accused , quite erroneously , of siphoning money from school funds he honestly believed that everyone would realise that there 'd been a mistake . ’
9 The DTI statement was made after the brewers had agreed to arbitration for their tenants — see page 11 — and some commentators claimed that there had been a trade-off .
10 Zobel said that there had been no approaches from Japanese companies wanting to work in the OMI .
11 The professionalized academic critic wanted to forget that there had been a time when criticism was part of literature ; and the belief that criticism or theory could be literature in themselves was perhaps part of the process of exorcizing other values and attitudes .
12 The man in charge of the fund , Brigadier Jimmy Chater , admitted that there had been problems with finding and helping Royal Warwickshire POWs , and agreed that the income from the fund exceeded the benefits paid out .
13 The memory of it revitalised a bonny smile but he was aware that there had been some anxiety in his corner .
14 But he said Yates denied taking steroids and that there had been irregularities in the testing procedures .
15 The deputy commander of the first artillery battalion reported that all its cell members had been so busily engaged on operations amongst the civilian population that there had been no meeting for over a month ( they were probably occupied in some of the unsavoury tasks noted earlier by our peasant soldier and his mother ) .
16 By 1979 , however , the survey found that there had been a major shift in support for privatization and public opinion remained in favour of further privatization in 1983 , and probably reflected a positive response to the Thatcher policies .
17 For example , given the great emphasis on the family and monogamy in Victorian England they were delighted when they found in the work of anthropologists a statement that there had been societies with sexual freedom and no notion of the family .
18 They believed that there had been a stage when there was no individual property ; that is , when no ownership continued beyond the time of use .
19 The Prime Minister has again denied that there had been any direct British assistance to the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia .
20 The magistrate , Mr S.K. Upadhyaya , resplendent among the dusty villagers in a navy blazer and a silver-tipped walking stick , denied that there had been any attempt to intimidate voters .
21 Harvey said later that he thought the decision had been harsh and added that there had been no warning given about time-wasting before the game , although he accepted that Tyson could have mentioned it to the players during the match , a fact confirmed by the referee as he left the ground .
22 It was this that suggested that there had been pricing errors which lead to the suspension of the trusts .
23 It was this that suggested that there had been pricing errors which led to the suspension of the trusts .
24 Several Scottish players said that there had been talk at the dinner about the possibility of one of the Romanians hoping to stay in Scotland .
25 There were suggestions that Bond Corporation executives had been under regular surveillance and that there had been interference with telephone communications , Mr Lucas said .
26 His department later confirmed that there had been no competitive tendering and that no companies apart from EDS , nor the department itself , had been invited to bid .
27 They said that there had been ‘ serious and fundamental ’ errors by Judge Lewis McCreery in his summing-up to the jury at Winchester crown court in February last year .
28 He said that there had been a postal strike and that he had been trying to write to me and as the mail was getting through , I should get the letters .
29 I was aware of the fact that there had been what seemed like 20 people working in the office and then it was suddenly dwindling down to a skeleton staff .
30 Sheikh Saad , the crown prince and prime minister , admitted that there had been abuse of human rights in the early days of the country 's liberation but implied that , with the regime back in control , all was well .
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